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It gets too much as you break down and start to sob, Harry holds you tightly and you feel safe and secure in his arms, you cry into his chest as the guards are talking to him but you don't listen. His hand is stroking soothing circles on your back as you sob, making you only feel slightly more comforted.

Eventually he starts moving so you look and move with him, the guards had opened up the gates so you walk inside.

The inside is a large community of huts and houses made out of different types of wood and bamboo. You liked around with wide eyes as people stared back, you looked at how happy and peaceful everyone was. It confused you as you looked around and noticed how safe the village looked, confined by a large wall that stretched around the perimeter.

A tall pale woman with shoulder length blue hair approaches, and you gather that she's the leader.

"It looks like you've travelled far to get here." She stares at each of you. "And lost a lot of people along the way." She bowed her head slightly to show her respect. "The forest is necessary so that only the strong minded may enter this community, it shows we have the best people." She explained as you frowned but nodded and looked at the ground. "Now you all must be tired, so let me show you to your rooms."

You gladly walk through the small lanes towards a building, inside are multiple rooms like in an apartment block; Yours is next to Harry's.

After you've settled in and taken a well earned shower, you sit on the bed and wonder what to do.

Do you:

Have a sleep (91)

Just sit and take everything in (92)

Or go out exploring for a bit (94)

Badlands// H.SWhere stories live. Discover now