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She says she wants to end it all when she's all alone in her room, she cries.
*Trigger Warning*

You never know when someone could just be taken away from you. One day they are with us, the next they are being prepared to be six feet under.

Many have lost their lives to suicide. It's tragic, that they believe that their life is so bad and it's never going to get better, that they just rather die. No one really knows when it happens until it's too late.

But in this case, it was the opposite.

As Michael read the Kik message over and over and saw he wasn't replying, he has thought the worst.

But he couldn't do anything. He didn't know where Dan lived. He didn't know his or any of his families number. Why could he do? Nothing. Michael couldn't do anything. He could all the police but he doesn't know any information, and he could be wrong. Dan could just be upset and crying in the shower.

So Michael set his phone down and continued his show.

Phil was crying. He was crying because he loves Dan. At the moment Phil is sitting on dans bed. Why dans? Because he loved him. He knew he couldn't live without him so he climbed through his bedroom window to apologize to him. But what he found was not what he wanted.

Dan wasn't in his room. It's 11pm, where could he be? Phil checked the house, dans parents were out. Phil knew Dan wasn't with them because his parents were in a business trip.

He walked back into dans room, confused. That was until he saw a blue envelope on the bed. Curiosity took over Phil was he opened the envelope and read the letter inside.

Dear mom and dad,
I'm not the perfect kid. I never was. I had so many issues that I looked over because, i knew I couldn't fix it. That was until I met Phil. I love Phil, I planned on marrying him. Adopting children with him. But I cut that short when I made a horrible decision to cheat. Yes, your son was a cheater. By the time you see this, it will be too late since you were on a trip at the time. By now I'm making my way to the cliff where I took Phil on our third date. Where I first said I love you.
Where I knew he was the one.
If you can please give this part to Phil.
I love you so much and don't think this was your fault. It wasn't. I was born at the wrong place at the wrong time, I made mistakes over and over. This world is not my place. Please don't cry. You'll make it through the night just hug your pillow tighter.
I'll see you soon love,

Phil was in tears. He needed to stop Dan before it was too late. He dropped the letter and ran through the house, out the doors, to the cliff that was the only thing between Dan living and dying. He ran so fast he felt like he was going to be sick. But he made it.

He didn't see Dan anywhere. "Dan?!!?" He screamed. Yet heard nothing but complete silence. He ran to the edge of the cliff and looked down,scared to see what was down there. But there was nothing. He turned around and heard faint sobs. He ran in that direction, to see Dan standing at the edge of the higher cliff. "Dan stop!" Phil screamed making Dan look over at Phil.

He ran up the cliff to Dan, and pulled him away but Dan had other plans. Plans that Phil wasn't going to ruin. 

He looks up at Phil and smiles.

"Love, you are too late. Cliff or no cliff I'm going to die. I'm guessing you didn't check my medicine cabinet."

"I'm calling the ambulance. Please stay with me Dan"
Were the last words he heard before slipping into a peaceful sleep.



QOTD: How old are you?

AOTD: 15 :)

Check out my phanfic "promise?" 🤗

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