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Hey guys! This is my first haikyuu fan fiction, so cut me some slack (lol). Anyways, let's just jump right into the story, shall we?


The sounds of shoes sqeaking on the gym floor could be heard. Karasuno's boys volleyball team were having their usual practice. They were in the middle of their mid-practice break; getting water, resting up and such. 

Hinata and Kageyama are fighting about who was a faster runner. 

"Hinata you dumb ass, I'm obviously faster." Kageyama said, annoyed.

"Are not!" Hinata replies, glaring up at the taller boy.

"Are too."

"Are not!"

"Are too."

"Are-" Hinata began, but Coach Ukai cut him off.

"Would you two quit it?!" He yelled angrily, " If you can't decide who's faster, then you should just race. Simple as that." 

The two boys halted their argument and looked at each other. They hadn't thought of that. It was a perfect idea.

"Oi, Kageyama! Race me!" Hinata said, looking up at Kageyama.

"Tch, fine. But I'm going to win." Kagayama said, looking down.

Hinata's eyes lit up at his answer, and soon sparkled with determination. 

"Coach Ukai! Can we race right now?" Hinata asked the coach.

"Not in the middle of practice you can't! But after practice, have at it." 

~~~~~Time skip until after practice because I'm a lazy person~~~~

"Are you guys sure you still wan to do this?" Takeda-sensei asked, "You guys look really tired from practice."

Hinata and Kageyama both nodded, not caring if they were tired or not. All they were worried about was winning this race. 

"Okay then..." Takeda-sensei said, worry creeping up his stomach for a reason he didn't know. 

"On your marks!" He announced, and Kageyama and Hinata placed themselves on the starting line.

"Get set!" The duo got into their ready positions, waiting to burst forwards.

"GO!" With those words, they took off. Kageyama was faster by just a second, and hurtled in front of the shorted orange-headed male. Hinata made up for his later start by sprinting even faster, and caught up to Kageyama. 

They tore past the finish line, both not noticing that the race was supposed to be over, they were too concentrated. They kept running, and soon they were out of the school.

Near Karasuno, there was a large forest called the White Forest. It was said to be haunted by students who died there more than 20 years ago. There was a rumor saying that people who went in there never came back out again. 

Well, unfortunately for Kagayama and Hinata who were too caught up in running that they forgot everything else, they ran right into the White Forest. 

After about 10 minutes or so of running in the White Forest, Hinata suddenly stops. 

"Kageyama!" He calls out, signalling for him to stop. Kageyama too stops running and looks behind him at rather confused Hinata.

The realization hit the two like a brick. They were in the White Forest, and had no idea where they were. Kageyama walks over to Hinata, slightly worried.

'Did we really run that far?' they think.

"Kageyama," Hinata begins, "Are we lost...?"

"No, you idiot. I know exactly where we are." Kageyama replied.

Hinata let out a sigh of relief. 

"Good, I was starting to think we wouldn't get out of her-"

"You idiot I was being sarcastic!" Kageyama interrupted him angrily.

"Oh..." Hinata said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head with his hand. 

The two looked around, trying to see if there was an indication of where they had come from, or where the end of the forest was. They saw none. They began to pace slightly, becoming increasingly concerned about their current situation. 

White Forest was truly a troublesome forest to be lost in. Besides the fact that people die in there quite often, there were other things that would soon prove to be quite concerning. White Forest was infamous for it's very tall, heavily branched trees. The trees were every where, and blocked almost all view of anything. The trees were not too close together, but they were close enough to make it hard to see. The grass was thick and plentiful. The forest was nice over all, but was quite eerie. It could send shivers up anybody's spine. 

White Forest is very noisy. There are a lot of animal noises, which doubled to the chilling affect the forest already gave off. 

The pacing that Kageyama and Hinata did nothing except make them slightly more tired. Deep in thought, they did not notice the pair of bright [E/C] eyes looking at them from a tree that was directly above them.

Oooooo suspense. (Ish) Anyways, that's it for now! I'm sorry, I know it's short. I'll try to write longer next time. Well, let me know what you think! I'll try to update as soon as possible. It'll be kind a hard tho, because of school and stuff. See you for now! (Dont forget to comment, rate, and continue reading!)

Always, forever, and for eternity,


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