Chapter 3

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So I decided to give you, my lovely readers, a name! I decided that Okami Akamatsu would be sufficient. I hope you guys don't hate me for it! I've also decided that I would give her a general form. So, Okami basically looks like the girl from the cover (credits to the artist). So she has waist long black hair, black/silver ears and tail, and beautiful emerald green eyes. 

"Should we just leave?"

"No, you idiot, how the hell are we supposed to get out of here?"

Voices filled my slightly pounding head. I let my slitted eyes open, the vivid colors of the forest flooding my eyes. I groaned and slowly let my arms bring me to a sitting position. I looked at my stomach, remembering the incident that gave me my wound. My eyes and hands found their way to the wound, but saw nothing there. I grinned slightly, thanking my fast healing for not even leaving me a scar. I stood up, brushing the dirt off of my ragged clothing.

A voice clearing itself interrupted my thoughts, reminding me I wasn't alone. I glanced up at the two boys, remembering vaguely that the orange one was Hinata.

Hinata and Scary Face were staring at me, looking a little afraid. I remembered how I tied them up in my injured and weary state. I blinked at them slowly then pulled my lips into a smile. I stuck my hand out to the interesting duo.

"Okami Akamatsu." I stated. The two stared at me with a blank face. I sighed, "My name. My name is Okami." Their mouths made an 'o' as the realization spread across their features. There was a silence.

"Jesus Christ," I murmured, "and your name is?"

"Oh! My name is Hinata Shouyou, and the scary looking hard head over there is Kageyama." Orange Peel said, taking my hand tentatively and shaking it. Kageyama, was

his name, clicked his tongue at Hinata's remark. Another silence fell; I thought hard of something to say.

"So," Hinata spoke, disrupting the silence, "you're a....wolf?"

"No, I'm a dolphin." I said, using a 'well, duh' kind of tone. Hinata looked up at me, I was taller then him by a few inches, seemingly confused.

"No, I'm not a dolphin! Of course I'm a wolf!" I said, laughing. He waited a second, then laughed along with me. Kageyama was standing there awkwardly, not quite knowing what to do.

"Where do you live? I assume you live here in these woods, but where?" Hinata asked.

I pointed across the forest a bit, farther into the trees, "Over there," I said, "Want to go see it?"

Hinata nodded eagerly, whereas Kageyama just shrugged his shoulder indifferently. He was obviously not too fast to trust me, as I was to him.

"Follow me, quickly now, I don't want someone following me." I crouched down and allowed my wolf side to take over. I felt my bones pop and crack, growing, shifting, and mending together. My long hair turned black and melted onto my back and spreading across my body, making my coat. Shifting wasn't terribly painful anymore, just uncomfortable. I got used to it over the years.

The boys stared at me in awe and wonder. I lowered my body to the ground, implying that they should climb on. I was very large, probably a little bigger then a great dane, so I could carry both of them. Hinata climbed onto the front of me and Kageyama on the back. I felt Hinata weave his fingers into my hair, holding on tight. I grinned and sprung off my hind legs, bolting into the forest off into the direction of my house. The trees flew past us, stray branches crunching under my paws. The wind felt great on my fur, but the weight of the boys on my back was making me a little slower.

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