Chapter 1

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Hey guys! I finally got to updating. I was a lot later then I thought I would be omg. o-o Like I promised in the last chapter, this chapter will be longer.(not really 'long' I guess, just longer than the last one. I think. XD) I really hope you guys enjoy!!


Your POV:

As I stumbled back to my house, (which was in a tree because I control the element of earth) my highly tuned ears picked up the sound of feet pounding on the ground and the huffing of breath.

People? Where people coming?

"No one ever comes into this forest anymore..." I mumbled, blinking wearily.

One of my hands made its way from my bleeding stomach to the ground, aiding me while I walked. I was determined to make it back to my house before they got there, so I would be safe.

But, as I kept on, my vision became increasingly blurry, so much so that I could hardly see where I was going. I growled in frustration and pain and lashed my tail.

I flattened my ears to my head and kept going.

If I can make it, I will be safe.

I could see my tree now and relief washed over me. I smirked. I will make it, I knew I would. I started to stumble along faster, desperation overcoming me.

Just a few more feet and... I made it. I let out a sigh of relief, and clawed my way up the tree. I scrambled onto a random branch and lie on my wounded stomach, ignoring the pain.

My (e/c) eyes narrowed as I saw two boys that seemed to be around my age stumble through the woods, and stop near my tree. One of the boys had dark blue/black hair and was quite tall, while the other was on the shorter side and had wild orange hair.

"Hinata you idiot!" The tall one yelled at the other, who was apparently Hinata.

"It's not my fault we got lost! You were the one who kept running." Hinata grumbled, glaring up at the taller boy.

My eyes widened, now in worry, as the edges of my vision blackened further and it was overall quite blurry. I struggled to focus as my head pounded and white hot pain ripped through my stomach. I was seeing double, and I knew I would pass out soon. I felt my grip on the tree branch I was on started to loosen, and I was starting to slip.

Not long after that, I fell off the branch, arms clawing at the air for a low branch to catch myself with, but to no avail.

I landed on the ground with a prominent thump, which was all it took for me to finally pass out.

No One's POV (Third Person):

Kageyama and Hinata immediately stopped fighting when they heard a loud thump not too far from where they were, their suspicions that this forest was haunted resurfacing.

Their faces paled, especially Hinata's, as they turned around to see what had caused the noise.

What they saw was something they wouldn't have suspected in a million years. A (h/c) girl was sprawled on the ground in a tangle of limbs. But that's not what was so surprising. She had big, grey ears and a long, fluffy gray tail. And, she was bleeding profusely, a pool of blood gathering around her stomach, staining the grass and leaves below her a rich crimson.

The freak duo shared a glance with each other, eyes asking what they should do.

Hinata was the first to make a move, cautiously making his way towards the (h/c) girl. He placed his hand on the girls shoulder hesitantly. When she didn't respond to his actions, he rolled her over by her shoulder to be lying on her back.

By now, Kageyama had come over too, wanting a closer look at the peculiar individual.

There were three long slash marks across her stomach that looked fairly deep. Blood was flowing from the wound freely, sending worry through the boys. 

"Kageyama, what should we do?" Hinata asked in a low whisper, fearing that he might wake the girl up.

"You idiot, how would I know? Stop the bleeding?!" Kageyama replied shortly, causing the smaller boy to frown. 

Hinata tore a small portion of his shirt off from the hem of it, and began to wrap it around the seemingly fresh wound. 

"You idiot, what are you doing?!" Kageyama hissed, smacking the orange-haired boy's head harshly.

"I'm covering her wound, what do you think I'm doing?" Hinata retorted back haughtily.

"Well, you're not doing a very good job of it. Here, give me that. i could do way better."

"No way!" Hinata protested, and yanked the cloth ends away from Kageyama's grasp, jolting the girl underneath them. This soon turned into an argument, and the boys quickly forgot their current situation. This means they didn't notice when the (h/c) girl began to wake up. Her eyes soon fluttered open, but she froze immediately. What she saw before her where the two boys she had seen before she passed out, arguing loudly in front of her. Her body, she found, was propped up against a tree. 

Fear nagged at the back of her mind, and she lashed out. Concentrating hard, she channeled her powers, controlling the earth, and willed the vines around her to wrap around the boy's' legs and arms, restraining them. 

She stood up, clutching her stomach with her left arm. She threw her right arm upwards, suspending the boys above her with her vines.

She put on the coldest, meanest, bravest look she could muster.

"Just what do you think you're doing." She said.


Lol I was planning on writing more, but I got lazy. I'm actually home sick today so I decided to write. XD Anyways, I might not update super soon, because I have EoM's (Exhibition of Mastery) next week and I need to study (especially for science because I suck~~) So yea! I hope you liked it. See you next time, my pinecones.

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