Chapter 6; First Fight

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Dante Finds Rowan...

"Hey what the fuck do you think you're doing breaking up with Amber?" Dante asks as Rowan stops throwing punches at one of the few punching bags in Vacuo's Gym.
Rowan glares, resting his hand on his sword's hilt. "Who do you think you are street fighter?"
"Obviously the more attractive out of the both of us." Dante says, "Seriously though why'd you break up with her?"
"Why'd she break up with you?" Rowan questions.
Dante shrugs, then glaring as he notices Rowan was in stance. "You want to fight me?" He questions.

"Sure why not?" Rowan says as Dante takes out a random sword from his belt. He dodges the first few swings and stabs, then shooting at Dante twice, both bullets hitting Dante. "Damn that's going to leave a mark in my jacket." Dante comments with a frown, dodging Rowan's swings with ease, kicking at Rowan's sword, causing the fox Faunus to drop it.
"Dante! His fighting style is different!" Nova calls running into the gym, "He's being more of a brute-"
Rowan smashes a foot into Dante's stomach casing the first year to slide backwards. "Hi sister please don't interrupt-"
"I'm the only brute here!" Dante shouts at Nova who laughs, He throws his sword like an oversized dart at the punching bag it almost hitting Rowan as it fell. He grabs another sword charging at Rowan. Rowan dodges the next few swings seemingly debating if he wanted his sword back or not, He charges at Dante giving the kid an uppercut that should've sent him flying. Dante throws his second sword at Rowan almost impaling Rowan's head until Rowan dodged, he lands, taking out another sword and holding it up to Rowan's throat, "Are you going to give me an answer now punk or will I have to cut off your-"

Amber shoves Dante back slightly, standing between the two guys.

"Keep your hands to yourself Amber" Dante hisses.
Rowan glares at Amber then Dante, "Don't you need to follow your own rules Dan?"
"You two are childish," Amber snaps.

Dante glares shoving Amber towards Rowan before stalking off, "I won by the way you loser!" He shouts before leaving the Gym without his swords stuck in the ground.

"Can't you go a day without threatening someone!?!" Amber yells at Rowan.

Rowan crosses his arms, "Can't you go a day without flirting with people? Can't you go a day without whining or skipping meals?" He mocks, "I didn't threaten him."
"By what I saw what you, kind of did." Nova states as Ulf walks into the Gym.

"I-I don't flirt! Maybe if you weren't too busy threatening everyone and fighting them than I wouldn't be so worried that I skip meals!" Amber argues.

"See this is why almost everyone calls you stupid!" Rowan snaps.

"I'm the stupid one!?! You're too dumb to realize that I fucking love you!" Amber shouts, turning around angrily and walking towards the door, leaving.

"Um..." Ulf starts choosing not to talk to Amber looking to Rowan, "Slide Dante's swords to me please I don't want to get punched in the face..."
Rowan wipes off the confused look on his face removed, picking up the two swords and walking them over to Ulf before leaving the Gym.
Nova rolls her eyes deciding to leave too, "Wolfie, don't get into too much trouble." She says before leaving Ulf following seconds later.

At DUSK's Dorm...

"Dante you're a dumbass, you left your weapons in the gym! You do know that you can't buy weapons from a closed down store right?" Ulf snaps walking into the dorm tossing Dante's swords to him.
"Technically, it's not closed forever." Dante says, "A few of those Beacon students worked there over the summer. I don't remember their names though."

Ulf rolls his eyes sitting on his bunk and taking a book out of his backpack, as Amber, Kam, and Sasithorn walk into the dorm.

"Oh my god you're reading!" Kam exclaims.

"Wait what? Who's reading?" Dante asks from his bunk above Ulf, carving symbols into the wall once again.
"Who's reading?" Sasithorn echos.

Amber slips out of the dorm.

Kam groans, "Ulf must be reading to impress Liver, I'm going to go talk to the tiger now." She says before leaving the dorm.
"Hey my pep-talks are better!" Dante says, "I can do a better job helping people- You're seriously reading a book to impress someone?"
Sasithorn gasps, "You know what this means! After Amber and Kam get back we should plan a date and everything!"
"I'm not trying to i-impress anyone!" Ulf stammers, "I'm trying to read!"
"You're trying to impress someone by reading it's the same concept." Sasithorn argues.
"What do you mean trying to read?" Dante asks hanging off of his bunk and looking at Ulf.
"I'm trying to read b-but you guys are making too much noise so shut up!" Ulf shouts,earning laughter from Sasithorn.
"You can't read can you? That's cute." She says as Dante falls from his bunk.
Dante stands up quickly, "Dude how do you not know how to read?" He exclaims.
"Because I didn't go to school." Ulf states, "I only know how to write my name..."

Dante face palms, "First it's the I can't read, then it's the I need my bestie to teach me how to read, then it's the I'll have my crush teach me instead, then it's I'm too dumb maybe I should cry and kill myself." He rambles.
"Dan shut up!" Ulf growls.

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