Chapter 20;

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In Team SOUL's Dorm... (Minus Unity)

(None of this is edited at all though I'm sure you knew that...)

"So Lia, I have a question," Oliver states.

"Speak," Lia demands, while digging through her clothes for an outfit to grab to wear to take Spencer somewhere unknown.

"It's about... relationships, what the fuck am I supposed to do?" Oliver asks.

"I'm having a similar problem," Saturn admits.

"Hmmm... Well first of all, if you're planning on a date, neither of you are going anywhere dressed like that," Lia states.

"What's wrong with sweatpants?" Saturn questions.

Lia puts her hands on her hips and glares at him, "Saturn Flynn Slate, are you hanging out with a friend, or someone whom you wish to be in a relationship? Especially Sasithorn, she's... classy, you're casual, too casual."

"He does look shitty, but I look fine," Oliver agrees.

Lia walks over to Oliver's dresser and pulls out a green shirt, a black hoodie, and jeans, throwing them at him, "Put this on and wear... shoes that aren't those things."

Oliver grumbles, walking into the bathroom as Lia throws clothes at Saturn.

"Sweatpants are a no," Lia repeats.

"But that's not cool-" Saturn starts.

"Do you want a girl or do you want a new friend?" Lia retorts, annoyed.

Saturn sighs, "Fine. But what do I actually do when it comes to talking to her?"

"Start a casual conversation," Lia replies, now standing in front of her dresser again.
"You said I wasn't allowed to be casual!" Saturn whines as Oliver comes out of the bathroom.

"You can't be sweatpant casual, there's a difference!" Lia corrects.

"What the hell is the difference!?!" Saturn questions.

"She's going to lecture now," Oliver mutters as Saturn sighs, walking towards the bathroom. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Ask Ulf if you can go with him..." Lia says.

"That's it?" Oliver raises an eyebrow.

"Yes," Lia nods, looking back at Oliver, "I said no whatever the heck those are!"

Oliver sighs, removing his shoes and shoving boots on his feet, "Better?"

"Go get him tiger," Lia jokes.
"I think Spencer's more of a tiger," Oliver smirks, leaving the dorm.

Lia facepalms as Saturn comes over to her.

"There are you happy?" Saturn asks.

"Yep, now you get going to, you have a date," Lia states.

"I don't think it's a-" Saturn stops talking.

"Shoo," Lia shoves him out of the dorm.


"Hey Ulf," Oliver greets from behind the younger teen.

Ulf stops his walk turning around and looking to Oliver, "What do you want?" he asks, "I was looking for Sasithorn she forgot her money..."

"I was going to ask if I could tag along on your skiing thing," Oliver mumbles.

"Okay cool." Ulf says, "Do you know how to ski or?"

Oliver nods, "Yeah."

"Okay then I don't need to worry about you breaking your face." Ulf says, then adding "Hopefully Saturn has the money issue covered."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2016 ⏰

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