Chapter 9;

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Nova Finds Rowan...

"Ok asshole what's your problem now?" Nova asks having stalked Rowan for the last dozen laps around the outside of the school, it was getting cold and dark now.
"I fucked up, it wasn't fully my fault, but, ehh..." Rowan says, "The things I said were true but I didn't say them."
"Yeah I know that!" Nova snaps while skidding down a sand dune, "That doesn't explain why you're outside Oasis, or why you haven't talked to her-"

"How do you talk to someone after you said you hated them to their face?" Rowan asks stopping his sister from falling on her face, "You're also dehydrated-"
"Don't change the subject. You need to talk to her-" Nova starts shoving Rowan's arm away from herself.
"I can't-" Rowan chokes, glaring at her.
"Why the fuck not!" Nova shouts.
"Nova listen to me, I don't want to waste my time mending a relationship when she could be happy with other people like Dante- Why are you lecturing me when you're avoiding Jet?"

"Rowan it's not a waste of time!" Nova shouts "That's what a relationship is it's accepting each other no matter what happens, it's about sacrifice, she doesn't like anyone else!"

"You're a fucking hypocrite!" Rowan snaps."My relationship is none of your business, Though I will agree with the idea, I probably shouldn't be in one anyways." The brunette counters, "You worry about yourself, and I'll take care of myself. Also, say hi to Ash next time, I heard he's supposed to get death sentence-""He's the reason I broke up with her, and you're asking me to talk to him?" Rowan shouts."Yes?" Nova says, She then winks at Rowan before spreading her wings and flying away probably towards the school.Rowan rolls his eyes, deciding to retrace his walk back to the school.


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