Still I'll never understand why you hang around

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After playing for maybe an hour, I looked at the clock. The bright red numbers read 10:47PM. I peeked over the couch to see him laying there, looking like he was having a nightmare. He was tossing and turning, whimpering and crying. I hopped off my stool and walked over, bending down in front of the couch, just inches from him. 

"Dan? Daniel? Are you okay?" I nudged him a bit. "Dan-" 

He jerked awake and punched me in the face. He slowly came back to reality. "Holy sh*t! F*ck.. I'm so sorry I forgot it was you holy sh*t I'm so f*cking sorry!" 

I wiped off my face and could feel a bruise forming already. "It's okay, Dan. It's okay, calm down..." I shushed him. He was crying and whimpering, trying to sit up. "Daniel... Daniel, you're fine, it's just me, you'll be okay..." He started calming down. As he sat up, he fell back down, sore as all hell. 

"Y-yeah, Philip?" 
"Is it okay if I just..." I pulled up his legs and hooked my arm under his knees, taking my other arm and gently placing it behind his back, as to not hurt him. I picked him up slowly, bride-style. He was light as a feather. He put his head in the crook of my neck, sobbing softly. 

"Shh, Dan... It's okay, shh..."

I carried him to my room and softly set him on my bed, and tucked him in. I hummed You Are My Sunshine softly to him. I climbed into bed on the other side. As desperately as I wanted to, I couldn't cuddle him. 

I can't... 

Unless he does first! He scoots up to me. I think he is asleep, but I can't tell. I hope he doesn't remember this. He lays on my arm and I pull him closer to me. I gently kiss his forehead before drifting off myself. 

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