I see what's going down.

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I woke up to the blinding sun in my eyes. I rolled over to see sheets pulled back, and Dan gone. 

I sighed and rubbed my eyes, sitting up. Did any of that really happen? I wasn't sure, honestly. I heard shuffling from the bathroom and decided to get up, groggily walking towards the sound. 

I walked in the door to see Dan in front of the mirror, smearing makeup on his bruised face. I sighed, and this was apparently loud enough to make Dan jump. 

"Ph-Phil!" He turned around and tried to hide the bottles of foundation and primer behind him, as if I didn't see him doing it already. As he tried to look casual, he knocked over a bottle with his hand and it shattered on the floor. "O-oh my god! I'm so sorry, I'll clean it up." He took toilet paper and got down on his hands and knees, trying to wash the foundation off the floor. 

I walked slowly till I was hovering above him. "Dan?" "Yes, Ph-Philip?" I kneeled down beside him and took the gross toilet paper out of his hand. "Go to the bedroom and don't come out. I'll be in there in a moment with tea and advil." I said, in a demanding voice. He quickly retreated to the bedroom and I sat on the floor, finishing cleaning. 

After I finished, I walked into the kitchen and boiled some water. I opened the medicine cabinet and got out Advil and various other pills. I brewed the tea and made some toast. I put it on a tray with a bit of butter and a knife, and walked into the bedroom.

Daniel was sitting on the bed, looking ashamed. "Dan?" He looked up quickly and turned to me, not making eye contact. He had been crying. I walked over and put the tray on the bedside table. I sat down in front of him on the bed and picked up the tea and pills, trying to coax him to take them. He was reluctant at first, but he took them sadly and started to be more relaxed. I hand-fed him toast with butter. When he was finished, I sat on the bed next to him.

He refused to talk throughout the entire ordeal, only opening his mouth to take small bites of toast and sips of tea. "Daniel... talk to me... Please, I want to help you." He mumbled something illegible and then was quiet again. I sighed. "I'll be right back, Dan." I picked up the tray and walked out of the room, taking the dishes into the kitchen. 

I sighed and started talking to myself. "C'mon, Phil. You can do something. If he's not going to talk to you, you can talk to him." I pattered back into the bedroom to see him still sitting in silence, biting his fingernails. I picked up a book off the shelf and my guitar. I handed him the book, but when he didn't take it, I set it in his lap. I picked up my guitar and started playing "I can't help falling in love with you." After a bit, he picked up the book and started reading. "Harry Potter, a great series, huh?" He nodded. 

I smiled and kept playing. "Y'know, I've always really liked music. It's quite relaxing. I usually start playing at night, when... Anyway, have you heard me play before?" He mumbled. "Yes... I have.." "Nice! Do you like it? I surely hope you do. I... I play it for you, honestly." 


"Is that okay?"


I smiled. "Will you please talk to me? About... everything?" I didn't want to say "abuse," so I went with that.

He shook his head. "No... Not yet, please." 

I nodded. "That's okay." I continued playing. 

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