*Inhales* BOY

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You entered the carriage with George Joestar, or Mr.Joestar as you now call him. "How old are you, [False name]?" You did not look at him as you were too occupied by watching your alleyway home disappear in the distance. Good riddance. "I'm eleven sir." You finally answered. "Eleven? Why, you're only a year older than my son!" Your attention was piqued now. "You have a son?" He smiled brightly. "Yes I do! His name is Jonathan. I hope you can get along with him." You turned your head back towards the window. "I'll do my best..." You mumbled. Playing nice was never an option on the streets, but for fancy folk like the Joestars, you supposed they could afford to.

After several moments of silence between you two, you eventually grew bored of the window. Luckily for you, the carriage has just reached its destination. The estate before you was so large and grand, you couldn't help but stare at it all slack-jawed. You knew the man was rich, but damn!

Quickly adjusting yourself, you noticed a young boy with a large Great Dane run towards the carriage. "WELCOME HOME FATHER!" He shouted as he came closer. Mr. Joestar smiled at the sight of his son coming to greet him. The stage coach opened the door for the two of you to exit the carriage with you exiting first, surprising the young Jonathan as he approached, stopping him in his tracks. The rather large dog, however, did not and was bounding straight towards you. Almost immediately you flipped out your knife from earlier. (Which you managed to pickpocket away from Mr.Joestar.) "H-hey! What do you think you're doing?!" Jonathan shouted. Mr. Joestar immediately took the knife out your hands right before the slobbering mongrel got close enough to you. "There is no need for a knife young man!" Mr. Joestar scolded. As you were being scolded, Jonathan ran up to you. "What was all that about?!" He shouted angrily. "Why did you pull a knife out on Danny?!" Mr. Joestar gave you a small nudge, obviously suggesting you apologize. "Sorry..." You grumbled out. "Where I'm from, dogs running straight towards you is never a good thing. Especially... big ones... I panicked." That wasn't a lie either. There were times when you encountered a stray dog that wanted a scrap of food a bit more than you did. Sometimes they weren't even strays, but belonged to people who didn't want little gutter snipes like you digging in their garbage. Selfish pricks.

Jonathan's anger quickly dissipated. "I suppose a dog of Danny's size would be rather frightening. My apologies." You let out a hmph in return. After you two made amends, Mr. Joestar thought it was time to introduce you. "Jonathan, this is [False Name]. He's going to be staying here with us from now on." Jonathan's face absolutely lit up in joy. "Really?! I guess that makes us brothers then, [False name!]" You rolled your eyes. "I guess so..." You responded back to him. 'We are not siblings, you brat. Not now and not ever.'

Jonathan grinned happily at your lie, and went to look in the carriage. 'What is he looking for? Did his dad promise him a stupid present or something.' You thought as you watched him continue to search the carriage, looking like a complete idiot. (At least that's how he looked in your eyes.) "Hey [False name?]" He asked. "What?" You replied sharply. What did he want now?! "Where are your things? I can't seem to find them. I was going to carry them in for you." Your face turnt beet red. "THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" You snapped. 'Stupid rich snob! Not everyone has the luxuries you do!' Jonathan was taken aback by your sudden outburst, but he didn't question you. He got that same look of pity on his face his father had given you when he saw your "home." "I'm sorry, [False name.] I didn't mean to upset you." You gave him a glare. "Tch... whatever..."

A few hours later, you received your own room, you were left alone so you may adjust yourself to your new home. Of course you were supposed to have been left alone, but the household brat was far too giddy over his new brother to listen. "[False name?]" He said from the other side of your door. Rolling over on your new (and rather comfortable,) bed, you ignored him. "[False name], would you like a tour around the manor? I would be happy to give you one!" Couldn't this kid leave you alone for at least an hour?! However, upon consideration, a tour might actually be a good idea. Last thing you need is to wander into someone's room in the middle of the night when you're trying to find a bathroom. Begrudgingly, you rolled out of your bed and opened the door. Upon seeing you, Jonathan beamed happily. "So I take it you accept my offer of a tour?" "Yeah yeah..." You said waving a hand at him. "I just don't want to get lost ok?" "Of course little brother!" He said gleefully.

Hold on... did he just call you little brother? There's no way you're going to let that slide. You may not consider yourself his sibling, but you were not going to tolerate being belittled by some fancy, spoiled brat, even if it was unintentional. You took a deep breath. "Boy." Confused, Jonathan turned around to look at you. "Is... something wrong [False name?]" You stared at him for a moment before you said, "What gave you the idea that you're the older sibling?" He blinked a couple times. "O-oh.. I just thought-" "Look here Johnny boy, I'm not going to let ya look down on me! I am a year older than you, so you better so some respect, got that?!" He gulped. "Y-yes big brother." You smirked and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Good. Now get on with the stupid tour already!"
He nodded nervously and began to show you around. You have him under your thumb now, and that thought alone made you happy.

OK! That's this chapter! I had planned on having Dio arrive in this chapter, but I think this one was going on long enough at 1000 words at least. I didn't want to make it too long. (Plus I'd rather rewatch or reread the beginning of phantom blood before I bring Dio into the picture again for the sake of accuracy.)

Poor Jonathan though. I feel like I'm making the reader too much like Dio, but I'm just trying to make them bitter towards rich people. Being poor tends to make you envious of the upper class, which can lead to some animosity towards them.

So next chapter should definitely have Mr Brando appear! Thanks so much for reading!

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