First day at the manor

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Jonathan's tour was finally over. You were bored out of your mind, but at least you now knew your way around the manor. Jonathan reluctantly left you to yourself (finally), and you immediately plopped down on the bed. Taking in the warmth that felt so foreign to you from it, you quickly fell into sleep. And for once in your life, you didn't have to fear waking up to a fight for survival. You felt.... safe. A comforting thought. A few hours passed while you napped, and you were awoken by soft knocking at your door. "Mr. [False Name]?" It must be a servant. "What?" You responded groggily. "Supper is nearly ready Sir." They informed you. "Ok ok....I'll be right down" you replied while yawning. Reluctantly rolling out of bed, you fixed yourself up to look at least semi-presentable. Your stomach growled in anticipation for food and you decided you wasted enough time already.

Once you left your room, you headed to the dining room, now thankful you accepted Jonathan's silly tour. A servant quickly saw you to your seat at the table. Much to your dismay, it was right next to Jonathan. Of course your mind didn't dwell on this fact long because once you seen and smelled the food, you felt like you couldn't focus on anything else. How long has it been since you've had real food? It's always been rotten or moldy food scraps for as long as you can remember. You were already salivating at the thought. As soon as the plate was placed before you, you couldn't help but to gawk at it in wonder.

You were very much tempted to just tear into the plate, but... you grew self conscious. You were dining with aristocrats. Your nearly nonexistent table manners made you feel.... embarrassed. Your embarrassment caused you to simply sit there staring at your plate. However, out the corner of your eye, you spotted Jonathan wolfing down his food without a second thought. Feeling a little encouraged from his lack of table manners, you took a bite of the food. The pure taste of real food put a joyful grin on your face as you continued to devour your food with just as much fever as Jonathan.

Once dinner was over, you were once again free to do as you pleased. Since this was your first real meal in years, you over ate a bit and now you are paying the price. You've decided to head outside for some fresh air to help quell your stomach pain. It was already dusk outside and the sunset no longer meant the upcoming cold of night. You could help but feel at least a little grateful to Mr Joestar for taking you in. You continued your stroll, but the barking in the distance caught your attention. Looking in the direction they came from, you spotted Danny running straight towards you. 'Shit, is he going to attack?! He probably doesn't recognize me yet. Damn mutt!' As Danny came closer to you, he started to run in circles, wagging his tail happily. "What are you doing dog?" You said mainly to yourself at the dog's strange behaviour. Once he realized you acknowledged him, he came bounding towards you. Unfortunately, you didn't realize in time, and Danny quickly knocked you to the ground, lapping your face. "H-hey! STOP THAT! That- Hahaha- that tickles!" Your face was now red from your giggles as the dog continued to show affection. Eventually you managed to get the Great Dane off of you. "You mutt, you slobbed all over me!" Of course, Danny didn't care about your words. He simply stared at you with his tongue hanging from the side of his mouth. 'He... he's actually kinda cute.' You thought. Hesitantly, you reached your hand out and went to give him a quick pat on the head. As soon as your hand touched his head, his tail started wagging a mile a minute. "Haha.... you're nothing but a big sweetie aren't you?" You said to him as you went to pet him more. Eventually you started to baby talk Danny. "You're such a good doggie~! Yes you are~!" Danny was now on his back as you rubbed his belly, kicking his leg slightly. You were thoroughly enjoying petting Danny. In fact, the more you think about it, this is the first time you've ever pet a dog before. In all honesty, you felt overjoyed in being able to pet a dog.

Your baby talks and pets continued for several minutes, until you were interrupted by a loud laugh that sounded like it was desperately being held back. Immediately looking up, you spotted Jonathan covering his mouth and redfaced from the laughs he was trying to hold back. Your face turned red as well. "Wha-what are looking at Jonathan?!" You yelled defensively. "You and Danny seem to be getting along well." He said in between giggles. "SH-SHUDDUP!" You roared back. You immediately stormed away from Jonathan, who tried to call you back, and headed back inside the manor, thoroughly embarrassed Jonathan caught you in such a state.

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