His reactions are the best

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Hours passed since Mr. Joestar told you of the new boy's arrival, it must be close to time. Putting down the book you were reading, you took a glance out the window. A carriage was heading towards the manor, most likely holding your new housemate, Dio. Despite you living with the Joestars, you were never officially adopted. In fact, you refused to be. During the years you stayed here, you've come to find out that the Joestar name can get you far in the world, but you'd rather make your own name. Dio, however, was going to be adopted into the family. At least, that is what you've been told.

  As the carriage drew closer, you spotted Jonathan nearing the manor as well. The carriage came to a stop and it's door flung open and a suitcase flying out of it. Soon after, a boy jumped out of it dramatically. What a show off. The boy was blond, but that is the most you could tell at the distance you were at. Jonathan went up to greet the new boy, but Danny came running as soon as he found out his master was home. Jonathan crouched down and called Danny to him. Perhaps he planned on introducing him to Dio? However, as soon as Danny came close, Dio gave the poor thing a swift kick in his face. You jumped out of your chair in anger. This boy made it to your shit list in less than 5 minutes he's been here. You glanced at the book you've been reading. 'I wonder if I can nail this guy in the head at this distance?' Shaking your head, you dismissed that thought. 'No. I have to be more subtle. The last thing I need is Mr. Joestar yelling at me for throwing a book at the new boy. Even if he does deserve it.'

  Directing your attention back out the window, you could hear Jonathan yell. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" The two boys readied their fist for a fight as poor Danny twitched on the ground. Much to your disappointment, the two never actually fought and they headed into the manor. You decided that you should probably introduce yourself to Mr. Brando as well. Once you entered the room, you saw that Mr. Joestar was already there to greet Dio. "You must be exhausted, Dio! It's a long journey from London. Now, you're a part of our family." He said cheerfully. "You will live as my son Jojo does." He gestured to the staff behind him. "They will be your servants. I work in trade and there are times when I must leave the house. I leave everything to them." You lingered in the doorway as their conversation continued. You wanted to size up the new arrival without the interference of Mr. Joestar.

"I cannot find the words to express my thanks for your good will." Dio said politely with a bow.

Mr. Joestar put his arm around Jonathan and said, "Jojo also lost his mother, and you are both the same age. There is also another boy who lives here. You'll most likely find him in the library. He's a year older, but I hope you all can be friends." He turned his head to Jonathan. "Jojo it's time to get over Danny, okay?"

"Yessir... if an unfamiliar dog ran up to me, I would be shocked as well. It's all right." Jonathan said sullenly. He recalled your reaction to Danny when you first arrived, and assume such an action must be normal, but you still had doubts. Something didn't sit right with you about Dio.

As you continued to observe from a distance, Mr Joestar started to walk up the stairs. "Come, Dio. I'll show you to your room." He stated, polite as ever. Finally, you decided to properly greet the boy. As you made your way over, you noticed Dio look at the stone mask that hung on the wall. It was an ugly old thing, but you never questioned why it was put up. Sentimental value perhaps? You slowed your pace once you saw Jonathan reach out to pick up Dio's bag. Dio quickly noticed and grabbed Jonathan's wrist, twisting it painfully. "?! Waah! U...Ugh...!!" Jonathan cried in pain.

  "What do you think you're doing? Don't touch my bag." Dio calmly stated, but with authority.


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