Free from pain.

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All it took was one shot to be free

from agony.

From all the torment,

All those of years of discomfort I spent.

The ease I longed for lied in one small shot,

Not knowing, the problems along with it bought.

And I took it, to be free from pain,

But now, that mistake I refrain.

My life now revolves around that one fix,

But this is the path that I picked.

The relief I wanted,

was granted.

But I had to pay quite a price,

which still hasn't pulled me out of my demise.

It completely destroyed my already messy life,

All in one strife.

Now, I couldn't live without taking these boosts,

That, at first, had me seduced.

That one fix, my biggest error

Is something I'll regret forever.

The illusive shot had me fooled,

Now, for it I drooled.

I was living in shame,

It was I, the one to blame.

Was I free from pain? From my distress?

Or was I now living in an enlarged mess?

But undoing this deed already done,

Was no good fun.

Reality seemed like a mirage,

Of it, I was camouflaged.

For the only thing true to me,

Was that small glass bottle, you see.

I was living in fiction,

I was a victim of addiction.

I lived for one shot, and for it, I was ready to die

I was ready to do anything, even ready to be the bad guy.

But this turned out to be lethal,

It was something illegal.

Nothing could be done no more,

This wound turned out to be worse than the ones before.

This deadly blow put me out of my misery,

And finally, after a lifetime full of torture and addiction, I was pain free.


Thank you for reading this poem! :D

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