All layers undone...

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Melancholiness, to him, was a word unknown,

It was as if to disaster, he wasn't prone.

Always smiling, with an aura of positivism,

About him, there was nothing glum.

He was too perfect to be true,

But something about him made me question what no one knew.

I did not know what was behind that everlasting grin,

but I wanted to search within.

And I set out on a quest to venture the unknown,

I knew, to danger, I was prone.

Stepping into a land with land mines in each step,

Every time, I got a blow about his life's hep.

Beneath the layers lay,

A tortured soul, slayed.

But still, in his heart, there was a speck of hope,

That parabola on his mouth, that curved slope.

As nearer I grew,

The layers I managed to slew,

Revealed the koh-i-noor within,

In all its glory, still shining.

Contrary to expectations, the person was a gem,

Moulded by sour experiences, he managed to stay ahem,

And he just flashed a smile, because smiling's free,

He chose to smile, after all his suffering and pleas.

This is what he did all his life, when he felt low,

He learnt and moved ahead, however painful, however slow,

However painful, however slow,

It is but this that made him grow.

For then comes the real reason

For your existence,

All layers undone..

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