The Prodigal Daughter

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"You show so much faith in me,

But I've lost all of mine, don't you see?

You might think I'm afraid of falling down,

But I'm afraid of seeing YOU frown.

You have, from me, great expectations,

But all I am now, is a web of frustration.

You say I'm a so called "genius"

Then why amn't I number one?

I, I am no match for them, am I?

Just a lil' smartass I am, wanting to fly high.

Because I'm so damn "smart", they call me a psycho at school,

To me they're always cruel.

When I mention it to you, you say,

It's genetic, child, just put it away.

I see the genes now, the genes which make you compare,

And just turn me into a pokemon card, waiting to be picked, in despair.

Yes yes, you say I need the commitment,

And you say this all for my betterment.

But like you,

Dad, I'm a pessimist too.

I always take it in the wrong way, don't I?

I always am that boasting oversmart jerk, amn't I?

You say, you must be doing something wrong,

Because, your dedication isn't strong.

True, dad, it isn't. It never was.

Because all my life I was, and I am being compared, without a pause,

In the name of healthy competition.

But this, this is what is leading to my destruction!

Slowly I die inch by inch, inside,

For when you say this, I feel you're not by my side.

But afraid I am, to express these thoughts,

For against you, of all people, I've never fought."

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