The mother of Yamada

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I walked down the street to see my mother Sindy was on her way. I'm wondering why Sindy is always protective of me all the sudden this week. I look down the block and see a big house knowing that is my mothers home. It was purple, I nocked on the door. It opened and I saw my mother looking at me happily hugging me,"Yamada I haven't seen you in so long how is everything?" Said my mom"it is going great" I replied. I walked in and sat on the couch, this isn't the same house I was born in. My old house is farther. I turned around seeing a picture of my dad, I turn away. "What are planning to do Yamada?" " What do you mean mom?" I asked," Are you going to keep this life and leave it as bad as it is?" "No I'm not keeping this life. I'm starting a new one I'm not gonna turn out like my dad mom" i said with a sad look. My mom goes into the kitchen making something to drink, she came back,"want some tea Yamada?" Said my mom,"Yeah I would like some." I took a cup,"Mom why did you move out the old house?" I asked "Too many memories some was good really good but others was bad" she said sadly. A noise is coming from the kitchen. I go and check what it is my mom just looked at me. It was nothing, I look back to see a cigarette on something I thought my mom stopped smoking. "Mom didn't you stop smoking?" I asked "Yes of course I did." She replied I looked deeper and saw a guy right there. I run to him pulling him out and punching him. He punched me onto the floor and kicked me. I graved his foot tripping him and banged his head on the ground. I heard that noise getting louder and louder, it wasn't coming from the kitchen. Look at my mom and a huge explosion happened. I went and graved my mom and the guy running out the house more explosions happened over and again. But I got out and the man pushed me and ran away leaving me on the floor with my mother. I put my mom on my back and walked away from the house and another explosion happened. My mother was hurt bad and I saw Sindy I told her to take me to the hospital.

-------> Time Skip <----------

We was at the hospital my mom was in a room. I was outside of it sitting down nervously. Until Sindy came next to me,"Everything will be alright Yamada." She said to me. I sat there staring at the room until a doctor came out I dived in so did Sindy. My mom looked at me,"Yamada" yes mom" "Do you remember a girl named Sally Rose your old friend?" I looked at her remembering everything with her and the past,"Yes mom I do she is dead." "I know that Yamada, take this it is a old picture of everyone of your friends and me and your father." I looked at her wondering why she gave this to me until she smiled.
Beeeeeeep, said the machine. "MOM!" I yelled knowing she is not with us no more. I cried hard, until Sindy held my hand looking at me with tears coming out her face too. Because my mom was like a mother to her as well when her mom died. I hugged Sindy and she hugged back.

(Time skip)

2 weeks past ever since the accident. I'm at the funeral with the rest of my family and friends. I see my mom go into the ground. I cried again but only two tears. It was over, and I walked away and went inside my car with Sindy. I didn't cry or anything no more because I knew she wouldn't want me to. I my mom was put in front of Sally and next to the rest of my dead family members. I looked at the picture she gave me smiling.

I see me and Sindy with some other people. Blood all over the floor and a lot of dead bodies. And my eyes are red Ruby red. And a ora comes from Sindy.
(Vision over)

That day will come soon this isn't the first time I had a vision. And the last vision I had came true. But when that day comes I'll like to see what happens.

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