04:17 AM

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"What does being in love feel like?"

"Uh. I...how would I know?"



"Chemically, it's just a mixture of oxytocin, endorphins and dopamine. What do you think that drug feel like?"

"It feels like having a gun to your temple and feeling everything but fear. It feels like an opiate high, comfortable and warm and so undeterred by the world you could battle a dragon and win. It feels like spring, like summer, like your body is in bloom and they're the sun. It feels your chest is made of dynamite and they're holding a match an inch away but you don't care, in fact, you want them to ignite it. You want to be an explosion, you think it's the closest thing to the depths of your emotions. It feels like autumn, like winter, like serenity in the atoms and peace in simply holding them close. It's harsh and cold at times and you wonder how you can ever survive and you realise not the first time of the gun on your temple and you close your eyes and pray they don't pull the trigger. It feels like it was all worth it, the years before and the years after. It feels like ecstasy and pain so sharp you've bled out too late to realise."

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