Chapter 21

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Killian POV

I couldn't believe Milah was still waiting outside. As if her just being here wasn't bad enough.

"Who is she? And what did she mean 'last time'?" Emma asked. We were sitting on my couch eating Neapolitan ice cream from the big tub with a couple of spoons. Emma had her legs over my lap and she was holding the tub while we ate the ice cream.

"Hmm?" I asked putting a spoonful of chocolate ice cream in my mouth.

"What did she and your brother do?"

I planted the spoon in the tub and took it from her hands. I set the tub on our coffee table and took a deep breath. "It's way over due that tell you about my past."

"No," Emma pulled her legs off my lap, the she sat cross legged and straight, "you don't have to. I was just wondering. You don't have to tell me."

"Actually, I want to tell you. I trust you, completely." I took her hands in mine and smiled.

Emma scooted closer to me and smiled, "I'm glad you trust me and I trust you too. But it's your past, and it's your choice."

"Milah, that was Milah outside. She was my girlfriend from freshman year to the beginning of junior year. We were pretty in love, or I was, at least. We were each other's first, if you know what I'm talking about," she nodded so I kept going with my story, "And at the time, my brother and I were really close. I told him everything, including how much I loved Milah. But she and I started to have problems with her flirting and talking to other guys behind my back. We got into a huge fight one night and she came here but I wasn't home, I was out with Robin. My brother was drinking that night, he was drinking alot. Milah and Liam...they...uh, well she slept with him. "

"She slept with your brother?!" She exclaimed.

"Aye, but I never found it in my heart to forgive Milah. Shortly after, I found out she had slept with other guys before and I don't like cheaters or liars. I was done with her then and I am done with her now. I don't love her anymore, I don't feel anything at all for her anymore."

"Why are you trying so hard to convince me? I believe you. That's just horrible what she did. But can I ask you something?"


"You said you never forgave Milah, but did you forgive your brother?" Emma bit her lip trying to not overstep some boundaries, but with Emma they're weren't any.

"Eventually, I forgave him. But I didn't speak to him for weeks. Our father talked me into hearing his side of the story somehow." 

"You're father? I've never met him."

"That's because I've never wanted you to." Emma frowned, "Look, Emma, my father is not a great guy. He may be in the Marines now and learned good form, but he wasn't always like that. My father left after he found out my mother was...dying.  He might have come back but I can't forgive him for what he did. My father left us when we needed him the most. You just don't do that to family." Tear filled my eyes and one managed to slip down my cheek.

The frown stayed on Emma's face and she even teared up, "I'm sorry, Killian. I'm sorry about everything. And after that story, I don't blame you for any feelings you have towards your brother or your father." Emma cupped my face in her hands, "But I'm glad you feel nothing for her, for Milah."

I cupped her face too and squished it a little so she squished mine back, "And why's that, love?"

"Because I feel something for you."

"And what is it that you feel?" I pulled her in a little closer.

"I don't know yet. But I'd love to find out." She pulled me closer and kissed me.

"I feel something for you too," I kissed her back.

We made out for a while until my front door swung open. My brother walked in with his arm around Milah. She had a smirk on her face. We both got up from the couch and Emma looked upset to see her. I never really introduced her to Liam, but now I guess I had to.

"Ah, little brother!" He smiled wide then he caught glimpse of Emma, "Well you're quite beautiful, who ever you are."

Emma faked a smile. It made me furious that he even looked at her, "Liam, this is Emma. Emma, Liam.  Emma is here with me."

"So Emma..." Liam ignored me, "what are you here with my brother?"

Emma looked at me as if asking for my approval to speak to him. She could speak if she wants to, it's her choice, not mine.

"We were on a date," Emma emphasized on 'were' and that worried me. Was this date over?

"Key word here is 'were'. So Killian and I could do something now," Milah walked over in front of us.

"I think we still want to continue our date, away from here," I placed my hand on Emma's back.
"Yeah," Emma agreed, "We should just go."

"We're running out of places to get away,"I whispered in her ear. She giggled and Milah crossed her arms.

"Whatever." Milah rolled her eyes.

Emma and I walked right passed Liam and Milah. We left them standing in my living room to do what they were probably going to do whether we left or not.

Emma and I held hands walking to my car. "Sorry about her, love."

"If anything I'm sorry about her," Emma chuckled, "Don't worry about it, I had a good time."

"Had?" I frowned, "Want me to drive you home?"

"I'll be fine to walk," Emma kissed my cheek, "Bye Killian, I'll see you at school." She started to walk back to the side walk.

"Wait, love, let me take you!" I shouted as she walked farther.

"I'll call you when I get home, byeee!" Emma waved.

Emma's POV

I walked down the street from Killian's house to mine. There was a lot going on but I did enjoy our date.

The sheriff station was only a ten to twenty minute walk from here. I figured my dad give me a ride home.

The sheriff station was in my view and I saw my dad sitting at his desk. I waved to him but I don't think he saw me. I shrugged it off and kept walking when I bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry," I moved out of the way but I the person grabbed my arm, "hey! Let go!"

The person didn't respond and pulled into an alley. I tried to shake my arm loose but his grip was too tight. I felt a bruise coming on.

"Hey, sweetheart, long time no see," The person pulled off his hood and looked me in the eye.


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