Chapter 42

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Author's POV

Mary Margaret allowed Killian to stay the night after Emma begged and pleaded. David was not the happiest with his daughter's boyfriend staying the night but he very specifically threatened Killian with his gun.

"You can stay," David told him from across the dinner table, "but," he pulled out his gun and set it down, "I catch you two doing something, anything, I'll shoot you. Twice. I'll leave it up to you to imagine where." With that David took his gun and joined his pregnant wife in bed.

Emma stood up from the table and set up the bed in the living room. She had everything set up a matter of minutes. Killian, on the over hand, sat there. Scared to death. He already imagined where David was talking about and it made him numb.

"Killian?" Emma snapped her fingers in front of his face, "Hey. Are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost."

"Huh? Oh no, Swan, I'm fine." Killian smiled. He walked to the living room and sat down.

"If you say so. I'm going to change and I'll be right back." Emma kissed his forehead.

"You're not thinking of sleeping down here with me, are you?" He questioned her.

Emma chuckled, "Yeah, why?"

"You heard what you're father said. I'd like to have kids some day."

She almost busted out laughing, "Killian, he doesn't mean that. My dad is just trying to scare you."

Killian shook his head, "Well be that as it may, you are a big girl. You can handle sleeping your room, alone."

After protesting several times, Emma gave up and agreed. They kissed goodnight and Emma went to her room. It didn't scare her anymore. She was starting to forget all about it.

That is...until school the next morning. Killian and Emma walked in. His arm was around her shoulders and they were talking about her father.

That morning, he just stared at the two of them eat cereal and even followed them to school.

"He's insane, I'm telling you." Emma laughed.

"Oh, hey. Emma, right?" Some guy Emma's never seen before stood in front of them. She nodded. "Wow. Because Graham is in the hospital, you're cheating on him with your ex? What a whore!" He laughed.

Killian was pissed. He grabbed the guy's shirt and threw his back to the lockers. "What did you say?" He growled in the guy's face.

"I-I was joking, man. Take it easy."

"Apologize to the lady, mate." Killian pushed his chest back.

"Hey, Killian," Emma got his attention, "it's okay. I'm fine."

Killian looked back at the guy and pulled his hands off him. The guy fell to the ground but as soon as he was on his feet, he ran away.

"I'm sorry, love. I don't know what came over me." Killian said looking at his hands.

Emma grabbed his hand and smiled, "It's okay. C'mon, we have classes.

Students and teachers alike were starting at Emma and Killian, Emma mostly. She walk to her locker and she'd hear people giggle and see them point at her. At first it was easy to ignore but it was starting to get to her.

At the end of the day. Emma stood facing the inside of her locker taking deep breaths. She wasn't going to let herself cry at school so Emma just tried to relax.

"Hey, Swan," Killian showed up and kissed her forehead, "are you alright?"

She nodded and closed her locker. "I'm okay. I just want to get out of here. I don't want to hear or see anyone talking about Graham."

"Absolutely, I'll drive you."

Emma put her hands on his chest to stop him, "No, Killian, I'm going to walk."

"If this is about my outburst earlier-" he started to protest.

"No, it's not about that." Emma cut in, "I just want to be alone." She kissed him quickly and smiled, "I'll call you later."

"Okay." Killian nodded. He watched Emma walk out of the building and ran his hand through his black hair.

That night Killian waited by his phone for Emma's call. Something was going on with her and he wanted to know what. Emma had been fine a little after what happened with Graham, but all those people talking about it got to her. She never seemed to care about them talking before. What changed?

Finally, at around 3 a.m. Emma finally called. The ringing woke him from his nearly asleep state. He didn't hesitate to answer.

"Hello? Swan? Are you alright?" Killian asked frantically.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't call earlier. My phone died when I reached Granny's and August didn't have the same charger."

"Thank the heavens you're al- you were with August all day?" He sat up in bed.

"Yeah, he saw me walking to the docks and gave me some company."

"I thought you wanted to be alone. Or did you just not want to be with me?" The nerve of Emma Swan. She has him worried all day and night when she was someone else. Killian heard a male voice on her side of the call. Faint as it was, he heard it. "Are you with him now?" His voice became more angry.

"Killian, I can-"

He cut her off, "What the bloody hell is going on?! It's 3 in the morning and August is with you! What are you going to explain?!"

"He's-" Emma tried to speak but Killian kept yelling. She couldn't tell if it was at her or himself.

"You know what, Emma?" He finally lowered his voice.

And he let her speak, "What?"

"Have a lot of of bloody fun with August." Killian snarled. He hung up and threw the phone on

He could't believe it. After everything they've been through, Emma was cheating on him. When did it start? Why would she do this to him? Did she change her mind about getting back together because August showed up?

Killian sat on his bed and cried into his hands. He was more upset than angry at this point. It hurt. It hurt to think that another woman he had grown to love deceived him, and in the same way too. His heart ached with pain. It nearly stopped beating all together. He stood up and began to pace all over again. Some anger got the better of him and he threw everything off his desk. The glass picture frames shattered as the hit the hard wooed floor.

"Killian?" Milah came in after knocking softly, "Are you okay?"

He turned to her. Milah was the second to last person he wanted to see. Oh, sure, the first thought to any person who has been cheated on would be to cheat themselves but, unlike Emma, never in a million years would Killian think of betraying his love like that. Especially with Milah. He was angry, any reasonable person would understand that, but Killian loved Emma and if she ever found out about something like that...Emma would never forgive him. He would never forgive himself.

"Get out!" He shouted.

She jumped back and left as quickly as she could. Killian sat back down and rubbed his temples.

"How could you do this to me, love?" He whispered falling back on the bed, "How?"


................I love you all...............

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