Chapter 33

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Killian's POV

Emma and I sat on her porch while the police went through her house. They told us they were gathering evidence while everything was still 'fresh'.

Reporters and news vans were parked all over trying to talk to us but Emma was still shaking and quite frankly, so was I. We were both shaken after what just happened. 

"Killian?" Emma mumbled with her eyes were completely closed.

"Yes, love? I'm here." I whispered softly. 

"Killian?" Her voice grew louder and shakier. She started to shake her head when I realized she was dreaming. I shook her softly to wake her.

"Emma? Wake up, darling."

"What?" Emma shot her head up off my shoulder.

"You were dreaming. What were you dreaming about?" I asked.

Emma stood up and went to the nearest police officer, I followed her. "Is Graham Hunter going to jail? Like now?" She asked him frantically. 

"Look, Miss Swan, Mister Jones," he nodded acknowledging me, "there will be a court date set sooner and you will be notified because you will both be in need of testifying if you do want him in jail for a long time. For now, he will be in a hospital room on total lock down until he fully recovers."

"What do you mean? Recovers from what?" I asked placing my hand on Emma's back.

"Well, the blow to his head and the amount of blood loss from his back has put Mr. Hunter in the hospital for an undetermined period of time."

"What?!" Emma shouted in disbelief. 

"Miss, please do not raise your voice at me. Excuse me, I need to get back to business." He cleared his throat and walked back inside the house. 

Emma turned to me with the most disappointed look on his face, "Is it bad that I want him to rot in jail?" I shook my head and enveloped her in a hug putting my arms around her shoulders.

"Killian!" Liam yelled from behind the police tape lined around the house.

"I'll be right back, Emma, okay?" I asked. 

"No, Killian, I'll go with you." I agreed and she grabbed hold of my arm.

We walked over to Liam, who was talking with an officer.

"Liam, what are you doing here?"

"Brother, I got a call from a policeman telling me you were held against your will and tortured. Was this all because of her?" He pointed at Emma.

"Do not start with this, Liam. This is not Emma's fault. Just go home, I'm fine." I pulled my arm out of Emma's and put it around her waist tightly.

"Oh? Where are you staying the night?" Liam crossed his arms.

"Here." Emma spoke up, "He's staying here, with me."

Liam looked at both of us and walked back to his car.

"R-really, love? You wouldn't mind?" Emma took me by surprise and wrapped her arms around my neck almost making me jump back. "I would really love it if you'd stay." Emma whispered in my ear. I nodded and held her head in my hand. 

After the police told us it was okay to go back inside, Emma refused to go up to her room or the kitchen. I didn't say a word or try to push her on the subject.

As soon as everyone cleared out of the house after cleaning up the place, Emma asked me check and lock all the windows and doors. I did as I was told and when I went back to the living room, Emma had unfolded the sofa bed and laid out pillows and blankets on it.

Before I could say a word about it, Emma's parents called and were worried. I don't know how but she convinced them to stay in Boston. She told them that she would stay with Belle for the weekend because Graham was in custody. It wasn't exactly a lie but it wasn't the truth. Emma hung up and sighed. 

"Would you mind..." Emma started smiling shyly.

"Taking you to Belle's?"

"No, staying here." She furrowed her eyebrows.

"I would like nothing more than to stay and protect you tonight." I sat on the makeshift bed next to her and placed my hand of hers.

"No, like...for the weekend?" 

"Emma, I-" 

"Look, I know it's a lot to ask and it's probably making you uncomfortable for me to ask this much of you but I am really scared and I would feel so much safer if you were here with me." Emma spoke fast almost wanting to let silence consume the air. 

"Emma, I would have to pick up some stuff from home later but I will stay right here with you. I know you're scared and so am I." I smiled. 

Emma sighed with relief and tackled me back on the bed with a giant bear hug.

She hovered over me, "I want you to know that everything I told Graham in the kitchen was a lie. I don't love him. Killian, I love you, I still love you, and when we were separated, I never stopped but you have to believe me. You have to believe that I still love you and care for you more than anyone. That's why I invited you over. To tell you that I still want to be with you and that I'm sorry it took me so long to come to my senses."

"I never once believed you loved Graham." I chuckled, "I love you too, Swan, and I always will."

Emma leaned down to kiss me but I turned to the side and she stopped, "What's wrong?"

I raised an eyebrow with out response. She sat up on my lap and crossed her arms, "Is this because I kissed Graham?"

"You kissed him twice," I propped my self on my elbows, "Both kisses in front of my face, love. It was truly appalling."

"I had to make it look believable." She argued moving her hands from across her chest to her hips.

"You didn't have to make it that believable."

"Killian, if it makes you feel better, I felt nothing when he kissed me, nothing. None of the sparks or the electricity I feel when I kiss you."

"Just tell me one thing, he a better kisser than me?" I furrowed my eyebrows genuinely wanting to know.

"Oh...I don't know," Emma rubbed her chin and looked off into the distance.

"What the bloody hell do you mean, 'You don't know'? How do you not know who the better kisser is?"

"Because I haven't kissed you in weeks, you might have worsened over those weeks. Who knows? There's only one way I can know for sure..." she ran he hands up my chest slowly leaning down and planted those soft pink lips I've missed so much on mine. I kissed her back and we both melted into the kiss.

Emma broke our kiss and smiled. "Yup, the electricity is still there." She whispered before kissing me again.

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