Chapter 35

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Emma's POV

I woke up and the first thing on my mind was Killian. I rolled over but the bed was empty. He wasn't there. I sat up in a panic thinking he left me until I heard his voice behind me.

"Go back to sleep, love." He ordered softly. I turned around, Killian was walking towards me holding a mug. I let out a sigh of relief, he didn't leave, he just got coffee.

"I would sleep much better if you were sleeping next to me." I smiled.

He put the mug on the coffee table then laid with me and put his arms around me, "I can't do that. You see, I made a promise to this beautiful, blonde, green eyed, princess that I would watch after her while she slept and I don't break my promises."

"Mmm and why's that?" I snuggled into him.

"I was a cub scout. And they taught me important lessons, such as not breaking promises. Especially to a woman you love. I added that last part." He whispered.

I tried to hold back my laugh, "You were a cub scout?"

"Aye. And a very good one at that," he beamed proudly.

"I would've loved to be a Girl Scout."

"Really? Well, I would buy anything you were selling." Killian chuckled then kissed me.

"Hey, what time is it?" I asked looking at the window. The sun wasn't out yet and the only light in the house was from the candle Killian lit.

Killian reached over me and grabbed my phone, "4:23 am, love, why?"

"Well, I'm kinda hungry."

"Aye, me too. I could make you something if you'd like." He offered.

I looked over to the kitchen and memories of Graham flashed into my head. I was still scared of my own kitchen and maybe still my room.

"How about I shower, get changed then we go pick up some Granny's and then some of your stuff?"

"That sounds like fun, but..." he paused, "Milah is at my house right now."

"Why?" I snapped feeling a giant pang of jealousy.

"Well, I never had a chance to tell you that Liam has been a bit more responsible with his son lately and Milah takes it as an opportunity to stay in my home with her son on weekends." Killian sighed scratching behind his ear.

I crossed my arms and thought of what to say next. I would have known all of this sooner had I not asked Killian for some time.

"Okay, that's fine." I tried to sound convincing.

"Swan, nothing happened while we were apart. I wasn't with Milah or any other woman in those few weeks we weren't together."

I unfolded my arms, "I know, and I wasn't with anyone either."

"Yeah, I know. You turned down Walsh right in front of me." Killian's warm smiled became a smirk.

"That was not for you, I just didn't want to 'talk' to him." I rolled my eyes putting up air quotes.

"Oh, I am sure that was the reason." He said sarcastically.

"Oh?" I smirked, "And what was the reason for your not being with anyone else?"

"I was hopelessly devoted to you, Swan. No other woman can compare to you."

I blushed uncontrollably. I stood up and offered Killian my hand, "Alright, alright, c'mon, Sandra Dee."

"C'mon where?" He chuckled taking it.

"I need to get clothes from my room."

"Oh but you look so damn good like that." Killian bit his bottom lip and looked me over.

"As do you," I smiled running my hands on his abs, "but I don't think either of us want the other going out like we look right now."

"Ah, yes, very true." He chuckled pulling me upstairs.

As soon as my foot his the fist step I froze. More flashes of Killian and me running up these stairs to get away from the knife throwing Graham came back to me.

"O-on second thought, I-I think I could just go out like this," I pulled my hand out of Killian's and backed away from the stairs.

"Alright, love, I know you are scared of going up there but you are going to have to eventually. You can't just stay down here forever." Killian tried reasoning with me.

I sighed heavily and nodded, "Okay, just...just don't leave me in there alone."

"I won't, I promise."

"Scout's honor?" I chuckled nervously.

"Scout's honor." He smiled.

We went up to my room and as I stepped inside, Killian wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.

"See?" He kissed my cheek, "Not so scary, right?"

"Right." I picked out some black jeggings with a pajama crop top and got some underwear too. The moment I was finished, I took Killian's hand and went back down stairs.

I quickly showered and dressed in the guest bathroom downstairs. When I came out, Killian was folding the blankets from last night. He was fully dressed too.

We left in his car to Granny's since mine was in the shop. Luckily, Granny's was open this early in the morning. It only had a few people inside but I thought it would be better to eat at home.
Killian's POV

We ate at Emma's house, per her request. She absent mindedly walked into the kitchen to throw away everything when we were done and came back without a word about it. I stared at her until she realized what she did.

"I just...." She widened her eyes.

"Yes, you did, love. It's great." I smiled, "Think that maybe tonight you'll be able to sleep in your room?"

"Maybe, we'll see. But we have a few hours until the rest if Storybrooke gets up."

"And what are you suggesting we do in those hours?" I smirked.

"Take me on your ship," Emma smiled, "Or to the beach to watch the sunrise, or even to your house. I just don't want to be here right now."

"As you wish."

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