19: "You haven't seen anything yet."

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We landed in Florida roughly four hours later and Alex had some weird dislikes; I mean who hates trees? Alex had shaken me awake once the plane landed. I was laying all over him while I slept. My head was in the crook of his neck and my hand on his chest, while one leg was over his legs while he slept.

"I'm amazed you didn't shove me off you." I said with a yawn as I stretched to force myself awake.

"I liked it." Alex said with a shrug as he pulled our luggage down from the overhead bin.

"I'm sure since you are practically running from me right now." I said jokingly as I got up.

"I let you sleep until almost everyone was out of the plane, now it's time to get moving sweetheart." He said as he slapped his hand onto my butt to move me forward.

I scoffed at his sudden change in demeanor as I walked off the plane and into the terminal of the airport. Alex took lead after that and led me through the airport until we were outside. He wrapped his arms around me protectively as we waited for a cab.

He said there was a car at the house that the family left here for when they made trips. So the cab was only needed we came and left.

"Oh that reminds me, when do you want me to pay you back by? I'm assuming before I transfer."

"Kelsey, you don't have to pay me back." He said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"I do! This is way too extravagant for you to pay for on your own Alex!"

"You don't have to." He said more forcefully.

"I want to."

"Then don't transfer." He pleaded.

"I have to Alex. You don't understand what you're asking of me." I said using his words against him when I asked him to be in a relationship with me.

"I have a good idea. I'm risking your safety and your well being."

"So why would you ask me to stay knowing that's what you're risking?" I asked insulted because he made it seem like those weren't important enough for him to consider.

"Because we would be gaining something even better. I would protect you!" He practically shouted, causing people to turn and look at us.

"What would we gain from that Alex?"

"We'd get to feel the passion that happens whenever we touch each other." He said as his hand caressed my face.

"You won't even touch me on campus."

"If you leave me then I can't touch you ever. The offer to live with me still stands."

"What would I do about Brittney?" I asked, suddenly looking at everything as a reason to leave as soon as I could.

"People hate their roommates every year, just have someone sub lease." Alex begged as a car rolled up in front of us. Alex went to put our luggage in the trunk of a small limo.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Putting our stuff in the car so we can go."

"You said taxi. This isn't a taxi." I said pointing to the yellow taxi now parked in front of our car.

"Hello ma'am." A gentleman said as he got out of the car and held open the door for me.

"Hello." I said politely before turning to Alex and whispering, "Alex, who is this?"

"This is Baxter, he runs the house while my family is out of the house. He is taking us to the house. It is also the reason why you don't have to pay me back."

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