But I'm Not Her || Daichi Sawamura

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(A/N Sorry for it being so short, and thanks to PandaAt_TheDisco bby for the plot line)

(Daichi is from Haikyuu!!)

You watched him from a distance, talking with her. He was everything to you, but she was everything to him. You saw the way his face lit up when he saw her and how much he laughed when they talked by the great oak tree just outside the school door. And what killed you the most was to see D.S. + (H/I) [H/I = Her Initial's] carved right into the oak tree.

So you sat in the grass, watching them laugh and playfully slap each other. But after a few minutes you hear her say she had to go so he brought her in for a quick hug, and for the first time he did something else.

He kissed her.

You could literally feel your heart break. The boy you have been in love with, your best friend since you were three, was with a girl that wasn't you. Tears started to fill your eyes and pour down your face. You could see what he saw in her, (H/L) (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes, and the perfect personality.

She was perfect for him.

You saw her walk away as he headed towards you. He came and sat down right next to you in the grass, shoulder to shoulder.

"Hey (Y/N), how has your da-" He stopped when he looked at your face, pink and puffy, with stray tears running from your lids. "What's wrong?!" He asked you, taking you into his arms and brushing the tears off your face with his thumb.

"Nothing is wrong, everything is just perfect Daichi!" You say, hiding your face in the shoulder of his jacket, crying even harder than before.

"There has to be something wrong," He persisted, trying to remove you from his jacket so he could look you in the eye.

"But there isn't!" You insisted, refusing to remove your face from his shoulder.

"(Y/N), you know you can tell me anything, right?" He reminded you, giving you a tight squeeze.

"I know," You say, letting go of his jacket and standing up, brushing off your skirt.

"Then would you mid telling me what's wrong?" He says, looking up at you.

"You love someone, but I'm not her," Was all you said before walking away, leaving Daichi to alone on     the grass and ponder about what you meant.

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