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     The helicopter landed, and the man called yellow stepped out. He had long black hair that lay slickly over his shoulders, and a tuxedo with a yellow bow tie.
    "Hi red" he said "oh don't tell me you don't remember. You are one of the first three. Red, blue, green. Giovanni's children. His foothold in the Pokemon league. You are a lab rat! No ash ever existed. At the beginning of the trials, you seemed ok. But then green went rouge. You met her, I think. I was created to stop her, and clean up the mess. But then, it chose you! The phionex, you! It was supposed to be me. You were given a dream, an eternal journey. That complicated things. The power stopped our attacks. Our best elite members Jessie and James couldn't even touch you. Now you heard me say blue, right. Well that would be your fabled Gary. Now, the problem is that he was to close to you. The birds power stretched to him too. Now the only one we could get close to was green, and she went into hiding. So team rocket went into hiding. But now, NOW, I WILL KILL YOU ALL!"
     What was going on, ash wasn't an expirament, he was my ash. I LOVE him.

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