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Read Zones for all sortie maps details.

• Don't consume your girls for exp and don't sell your equipment.

•Try to clear storyline (overall B rank or above) that will increase your income from sortie, and unlock more special maps.

•Always clear all available special map for Blueprint N1 Blueprint.

•Event maps drop Items such as Test Doll or Wreck. If you don't know what to do, clear them all.

•Clash (PVP) for silver Coin and codon Codon. Only few silver can be stolen from enemy, but the game will give you a large amount of bonus based on enemy level. Also you won't lose any codon from (successful) enemy attacks - you lost a few silver and drop in rank only, which is good because lower rank means easier enemies.

•Let others defeat you in PVP by putting weak defense team. If your rank is too high, that would be harder to win and get silver from PVP.

•Gold Gold trade for resources, buff or reset cooldown. Lots of function.

•Codon Codon can improve technology and promote your girls.

•G-Corn small G-Corn Trade them for fuel if needed and don't spend on G-Milk, if you fucked up that hard go to spam 2-3, 2-4 with blue tank to get rid of excess fuel.

•G-Iron small G-Iron uses in Store - Forge - Source Forge for equipment and girls especially in early games. That would help you a lot. In the late game you may switch to material forge or reset port and lifestyle.

How to obtain these material :

Gold (Daily) quests, USD (monthly payment has the best exchange rate).
Coin Clash (PVP) is the major income, and the sortie. Remember sortie income increase for all maps when you unlock a new chapter. Try to clear them ASAP. Silver Mine in Base gives you steady income but only noticeable in early game. Some unrepeatable quests gives silver too, try not to redeem them until you need some quick money in urgent.

Codon : Clash, sortie (the main source), quest and material forge (rare).

G-Corn small (Daily) quests, special maps (rare drop), 3-star lifestyle, upgrade port (rare), monthly USD payment.

G-Iron small Some unrepeatable quests, Iron mine (Base), Special and some event maps, monthly USD payment or exchange from gold.

All listed below are obtainable from Material Forge and Port (need port upgrades for higher rank Blueprint)...

Wreck Event Order A, Special 1,5,9,13,17,21

Secret Plan Event Order B, Special 2,6,10,14,18,22

Processor Event Order C, Special 3,7,11,15,19,23

Test Doll Event Order D, Special 4,8,12,16,20,24

N1 Blueprint Special 1,2,3,4

N2 Blueprint Special 5,6,7,8

N3 Blueprint Special 9,10,11,12

N4 Blueprint Special 13,14,15,16

N5 Blueprint Special 17,18,19,20

N6 Blueprint Special 21,22,23,24

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