Chapter 9

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*at the party*

'' Feast your newcomer eyes on this.'' Danny said.

''Wow. Glen has really outdone himself this time.'' Amy, said

I, noticing something weird asked '' What happened to that guy's pants?''

'' Glen Coco's party happened to that guy's pants.'' answered Danny.

'' O MY GLOB Alex Andrews is here.'' said Amy.

'GLOB'? Like seriously?

'' Who is Alex Andrews?''

'' Only the hottest guy ever to go to North Shore.'' said Danny.

'' He was the Student body president the year before I got here so even *I* know who he is.''

'' He really killed it with that campaign.'' added Danny.

'' Ashley you should totally talk to him. He is almost never around and he would know how to exactly campaign at this party. He could earn you a huge number of votes.'' suggested Amy.

'' I can't do that.'' I said.

'' Suit yourself.'' replied Danny.

'' Yo everybody! Dane's about to do a human slingshot into the hedge.''

a part of the crowd leaves.

'' Just like we discussed in the car. Target the cliques to gain as much ground as possible.'' said Danny.

'' I was born ready.''

'' That's not true.'' said Danny.

'' Go get'em tigress.'' cheered Amy.

So Danny wasn't kidding. This place is clique central. I'll start with the burnouts.

10 mins later...

'' If you look at that light long enough, what do you see?''

'' I see free vending machines. You wouldn't pay it with money. You'd just pay with high fives.'' I replied remembering that the burnouts liked FOOD. A LOT.

'' Are you some kind of savant?''

'' Look if I could make the rules, there'd be cheese powder on everything. You know I'm actually running for student body president.'' I said.

'' Ash come over here!'' shouted Danny.

''Hurry they just walked in.'' he said.

'' Who's they?''

'' The *mouthpiece* of the most influential clique at North Shore: the jocks and cheerleaders. Godspeed.''

I walked over to them.

'' Hey Dane! Loved the human slingshot. That was epic.'' I said.

'' Psssssh that was just a basket shot. The cheer squad does it all the time. Except *we* actually catch the person at the end.'' replied a blonde.

'' Yeah, I saw you guys practicing. Cheerleading is so underappreciated. It's really a Sport! The athleticism required is unreal.'' I said.

'' That's what we tell people all the time. But no one wants to admit it.'' replied the girl.

''Cheerleading got banned from my last school since it was so dangerous.'' I said.

'' I like this girl. Who are you anyway?'' she asked.

'' I'm Ashley Payne. I just got transferred.''

'' OH, you're the one who decided to run against Katniss.'' said Dane.

'' Why not? I have three years of student government experience under my belt and as far as I know, Katniss doesn't have any.''

'' And you're hot.'' Dane said.


''Well if you want to vote by hotness then good luck getting the changes you want. This election is about getting changes here.'' I replied.

'' Like the fact that the Mathletes got $2000 for some stupid computer program and the athletic program got screwed.'' Dane said.

'' We're the ones with fans, We deserve that money. With $2000 we could get a chatered bus to away games.''

'' As president I'd definitely do some budgetary rearrangement based on overall program popularity.'' I replied.

'' Awesome. Well this kind of changes things.'' they said and went away.

'' If you need to make curfew you might wanna speed this up.'' said Amy.

10 mins later...

'' I'm Ashley.''

'' I'm Ashley.''

'' I'm Ashley.''

'' I 'm Ashley.''

'' Yes, yes, and more yes!'' I said walking over to Danny.

'' Sorry to mother hen here but its quater to eleven.''

'' Oh! Then we should get going.''

'' You came!'' said an annoying voice. Katniss.

'' Hi.'' I said dryly.

i was this close avoiding her.

'' I was just heading out.''

'' Before eleven? O my god are you Amish?'' she asked.

''My mom's kinda strict.''

'' Sucks for you. Alright, see ya!''

We three leave.

Katniss's Pov:

'' Katniss everyone's talking about that girl!'' said Luann.

'' Ew. Why?'' I asked

''I guess she's been in here like hardcore campaigning.''

'' At a party? Pathetic.''

'' People are like really into it.''

'' Who does she think she is? I was SO nice to her.''

'' You just can't trust people.''

'' If Ash thinks she'll play balls, so be it.'' I said.

Mean Girls: Senior YearWhere stories live. Discover now