Chapter 46

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''Katniss?'' I mumble on arriving in the room where she was.

Clearly, she wasn't expecting me and was annoyed, '' What are you doing here?''

'' I was looking for you.'' I say.

'' Ugh, your FOMO is off the charts. I mean, I get it. My life is way more interesting than yours and you totally wanna be me and whatever....''

'' Umm that's not why I...''

'' But creeping into this dark room on prom night? It seems like some weird 80s movie.''

'' Noted. Not my intention. I came to tell you, I gave up my spot at Yale.''

'' Yeah, right.'' She said as if I was being sarcastic.

'' No really, I did. I emailed Yale to say I wasn't going.''

'' Why?''

'' I realised it was not what I really want. Plus, I don't deserve it. You do.''

'' To be blunt, you are freaking me out right now.''

---DING--- Kate's phone lit up with some text.

'' Oh my god.'' She said, her eyes fixed on the iphone in her hand.

'' What?''

'' Shut up.''

'' Are you talking to m--?''

'' SHUT! UP! Yale just emailed me! The spot is mine!''

'' Toldya.''

'' That's three billion dollars beyoooooooootch! Get over here!!'' Katniss threw her hands up in the air, but, of course, in a posh way.

'' Katniss! Everyone's leaving and I don't know what to do!'' Luann yelled coming up the stairs.

'' Luann! Can't you see we're having a moment??!'' Katniss barked.

As she made her way across the room to where I and Kate were standing, Luann leaned by the bed and said,'' I'm sorry. But people keep mistaking Phil for my Dad. Or some creepy old guys who's obsessed with their pores!''

''Maybe because he is?''

'' I thought everyone will like him.''

'' Why do need to think what other people think of him? Why do you need PEOPLE'S APPROVAL all the damn time?!'' Katniss said.

'' Uh I guess that's true...'' Luann walked out disheartened.

'' Now hug me.'' Katniss said. Wait--what? Hug her? Who hated me all the while we were mere five year old kids? Who tore her dress at a beauty pageant? Above all, the one whom I considered *Lucifer*?

I am scared.

Amelia's POV.

'' Amy.'' Aaron called me, '' I got here as fast as I could.''

'' Really? A *couple of hours* is as fast as you could?'' Damn, I was so not ready to have this right now....

'' My Mother had to borrow my car for some reason and so I had to ask my roommate Bry to give me a ride and takes speed limits pretty seriously. Amy, I'm so sorry. And so stupid.''

Mean Girls: Senior YearWhere stories live. Discover now