Chapter 45

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*At Luann's Party*

'' Yo everyone! Luann's dad is back!!'' Someone yelled.

'' Evacuate! Evacuate!'' And the people started leaving.

'' NO you guys are mistaken! This isn't my Dad! My parents are in Aruba! Phil, what are you doing?'' Luann asked.

'' Being a first class creep, as usual.'' Kate answered.

'' Where's everyone going?'' I asked to no one in particular.

'' Got spooked by Luann's *man-friend*. '' Jade answered me and then turned to Amy, '' I can't believe you brought her here, Amelia. She's a walking disaster!''

'' It's stop two on her grand tour of repentance.'' Amy explained.

'' If dragons tear her apart, you're the one who took her to the dungeon. Huh, I must have ben spending a lot of time with Kevin. Oh and by the way, Aaron's here looking for you.''

''He's here?! Shoot. I don't know whether to hide or go and find him.''

I decided to speak up a little, '' Hey, I apologize for what I did to you.And I'm beyond sorry for what I had said earlier.'' I say to Jade.

'' I will cautiously accept you apology because I'm curious how the rest will play out.''

'' Do you know where Katniss is?'' I ask.

'' Why? You're gonna fight her? Cause if so, I'd like to make some popcorn.''

''No, the exact opposite actually.''

''Boo. What's the damage with Will?''

'' Permanent, I fear. Danny?''

''Who knows? And who cares? He's probably off with his new BFF Tiffany. It's like he's rubbing their new Friendlationship on my face so as to make me feel jealous.''

'' There's a big void in his life without you. Can you blame him for fill in?''

'' With Tiffany Jones? Yeah, I can blame him. You can't fill a Jade-shaped hole with a Tiffany-shaped plug. Ew.''

'' Exactly, he needs *you*right now.''

'' What do you mean?''

'' He's been trying to come out to his parents. He needs his best friend there to support him.''

'' He....he said that?''

'' In so many words. And hand gestures.''

'' I thought he was being extra dramatic. I feel awful...''

'' Don't feel awful. Just know he needs you.''

'' I have to  find him.''

And I have to find Katniss.

I walk towards Luann who was trying to persuade some of the students that her house who *parent free* but nevertheless, they left. I ask, '' Luann have you seen Katniss?''

'' Yes. Wait, come back!'' She wandered off.

That was helpful....

''I think I saw her go upstairs.'' I heard Aaron say.

'' What?''

'' Katniss. I think I saw her go upstairs.''

'' Aren't you Amelia's boyfriend?''

'' Yeah, I'm Aaron. And this is my roommate Bry. He gave me a lift.'' He introduced himself.

'' Two parties in one semester? I am killin' it!'' Bry said.

'' I'm sorry, have we met?'' Aaron asks me.

'' Sorta.'' I reply.

'' Sorta?''

'' Over the phone. Earlier.''

'' Oh you must be Ashley.''

''That's me.''

'' Do you know here Amy is?''

'' She's somewhere... you really hurt her, you know that?''

'' Yeah, she made it seen Prom was like whatever to her but I should have known better.''

'' I know you mean a lot to her. So good luck.'' And then we crossed paths.

'' Alone again.'' I heard Bry say.

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