Chapter 30

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Sticking around to flirt with Will almost made me miss my train. But I managed to board just in time.

And so did someone else.

'' Again?! This is getting kind of silly.'' Will snorted.

'' It really is. I'm not gonna say *fate*.'' I replied.

''Good, then I won't say *destiny*.'' He pounced back.


''I figured you drove.'' I ask Will.

'' I like the train.''

'' Another one of your *quiet thinking spots*?''

'' And, true to form, you're interrupting my peace and quiet again. But I don't mind. I like it.''

*10 minutes later.*

'' It's probably one of Shakespeare's less saccharine works, but it doesn't ring true!'' Will argued.

'' I still disagree! Exactly like the first day I met you, it's not like love doesn't exist. It's that people are afraid to express it.''

'' Okay, I'll indulge you. Why?''

'' Why? because it makes them vulnerable. They're exposed. The other person might not feel the same and that's scary!''

'' Huh, Maybe....I're right.''

'' But you'll never know that without taking the risk. Unless the other person takes it first.''

Hint! Hint!

'' Pretty sophisticated insight from someone who's never been in a relationship....You've never really had a boyfriend?''

'' No. You've pretty much hit the nail on the head. My Mum always wanted me to focus on school. And I was good at it so that's what I did.''

'' That isn't a bad thing.''

'' It wasn't until this Yale waitlist thing put my entire life's work in jeopardy. The admission committees makes it's decisions in a week. I need some kind of miracle or I can kiss my dream goodbye. So now my turn: Why are you so certain that love is a lie?''

'' Sometimes I forget you're new here... You know that *girlfriend* Katniss mentioned?''

How could I forget?

'' She was talking about my ex. She went to another school.''

'' What happened?''

'' What happened?! I caught her lying to me.''

'' About what?''

'' She....I don't want to get into it... I thought it was a one-time thing, but it turned out, it was a all-the time thing. She lied and cheated on me. A bunch. I walked in at one of Glen's party where I saw her and what I saw was the final straw.''

This explains his strong aversion to the party.

'' I'm so sorry.'' I sympathised.

'' Well you know, life...''

'' Sure, but summing up the bad experiences as *life*, does not make the emotions any less potent. I'm really sorry you had to go through that..''

'' Thanks, It defintely wasn't pleasant.''

'' You deserve way better. I think you're awesome.''

'' I think you're awesome too. That's probably why I freaked out after we...kissed.''

'' Yeah, you kinda turned into a real jerk! I thought I did something wrong.''

'' Not at all, I'm sorry. I wasn't just sure if I wanted to go there. After everything with her..It's whatever. She used me and t's in the past. But it *is* why I really have a hard time trusting people now.''

If he ever finds out why I joined the play for the first place.

'' This is us. You want a ride back to your place?''

'' Sure.''

'' SO I was thinking when you first auditioned, I wasn't really sure why you were there. ''

'' What do you mean?''

'' You seemed so wish-washy about doing my play. And I saw you signing up for all those clubs and I kinda questioned your motivation but.. Seeing you in the park that time and today, I can tell you actually care about it. too.''

'' Yeah, surprised me too!'' I shook my head.

'' So if you want the part, it's yours!''

'' You mean the lead? ike not the share-with-Katniss situation?''

'' Going into this you both knew I had to pick one of you. I choose you. will you be my leading lady?''

'' Yes! Yes! Yes!''

'' I didn't get it. Was that a Yes?''

'' Funny.''

'' Well have a good night Ash .''

What an incredible day.

while my evening ended on a high note, Kate's song turned sour.

Kate's POV:

''Well, that party sucked.'' I complained.

'' Atleast I got some good footage.'' Tiff said.

'' Wait lemme see. Hey are you seeing this?? Will posted a selfie with Ash! He never posts anything! Were they on a date???!!!??''

'' Awww, they's be so cute.'' Tiff remarked.

'' No Tiff they wouldn't be *so cute*.''

'' Oh.''

'' This..they... AAAAAAEEEEEEHHHH!''

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