Chapter 17

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'' Bergman! Order up for Bergman!!'' a man yelled.

'' That's me. I better go. Think about the play, I'll see ya on Monday.'' he waved off.


'' How'd that go?'' Amy asked.

'' It...I.. AUGH! I nedd not be distracted by him.'' I say.

'' Gotcha. Whaddaya say we move on to a little math? A little pi and pie?''

'' Its a shame that the SATs don't have a pun section...''

*at home*

'' You feel prepared for tomorrow?'' Mum asks.

'' I'm amped. Amy doesn't mess around with quadratic equations..''

'' That's what I like to hear.''

'' You know now that the SATs are practically over, I'm thinking about doing this play.''

'' What do you mean?''

'' Like for my resume, it'd look really good.''

'' I don't know, Ash. Prancing around the stage was cute when you were a kid. But I'm proud you used your intelligence to do something worthwhile.''

'' But it'd also..''

'' Your plan isn't to pursue theatre, honey. There are a dozen activities far better suited for your goals.''

'' I think so.''

'' Pus that sort of thing brings out your dark side, you remember...''

'' Its a play, Mom. Not a pageant.''

'' I just don't want anything to throw us off course. Go get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow's morning is really important!''

Between the election chaos, Katniss, my Mum, Will.. I could not fall asleep. After hours of tossing and turning, when I had *just* drifted off, when..


what the crap. Is there a injured dog outside my room?

'' Who is blasting music right outside my window?''

Bwow, wow, bwa, bwa, bwow...

ok so it was music.

'' Ashley??!!''

'' Mum?''

'' What is going on???''

'' What in the-''

'' Why are there 300 people in our backyard???'' Mum asked frantically.

'' Are these your friends?''

'' They're people from school! well some of them are..''

'' I'm calling the police.''

By the time the cops showed up and everything got cleared out, it was 2:00 in the morning!

'' You realise you were trespassing?'' an officer asked a girl.

'' I just came here for the flash mob!'' she replied.

'' Flash mob?''

'' Yeah, it seemed totally legit. They gave an address. AThere was a picture of the house.. They announced it on Tiffuncensored.'' the girl said.

I'd bet anything Katniss is behind this.

'' I can handle it from here, ladies.'' the officer said.

'' Thank you sir.'' my Mum thanked.

'' Let's go already.'' a voice said from behind.


'' Ash?''

'' Give me a minute Mum, I need some fresh air.''

'' suit yourself.''

'' I said clear the premises! You kids got bright future. Don't make me arrest you.'' the officer yelled.

'' I trying to make them leave but they're connected at the gums'' Danny said, pointing towards Jade and Trevor kissing.

'' It's okay, they're my friends. Please don't arrest them.'' I say.

'' Fine, I believe you can take it from here.'' the officer said before going away.

'' Hey girl, what are you doing here? Don't you have the SATs tomorrow? You should be sleeping!'' Danny said.

'' I was sleeping until a flash mob appeared under my bedroom window.''

'' Hold up, this is your house?'' Jade asked.

'' Explain the PJs.'' Danny said.

'' You're telling me Katniss just messed up with your sleep cycle on your SAT eve?!'' Katniss said.

'' Sup, Ashley?'' Trevor greeted.

'' This is war.'' KAtniss continued.

'' This is delicious. I mean--this is an outrage. And I know just a way we can give Katniss a taste of her own medicine.'' Danny said.

'' Ooooh, I know what you're thinking. Let's do it!'' Jade supported.

'' What do you say, Ashley?'' Danny asked.

'' Thanks, Danny but I don't think I have the energy for that tonight. I need all the sleep I can get.''

'' Good luck Ash!''

'' I'll call you guys tomorrow. Bye!'' I say.

'' Thanks for having us over!!'' Danny said.

Mean Girls: Senior YearWhere stories live. Discover now