Meeting Mr.Weyland

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Serina p.o.v

We were in this big room in the ship looking at a screen talking about some temple some 2000 something feet under the ice of Bøbatoya island.

Apparently they found it because there was a heat bloom. That feeling I had in the Helicopter was back; Excitement, grief and dread.
I could usually tell if a path I was talking was a bad or good one depending on the feelings I got. Excitement was good.....unless I attack someone which causes my excitement. Grief was bad it means someone dies. Dread is also bad meaning......well I don't know why this one's bad....people dread good things I'm curious. My curiosity will be the death of me I swear. I forgo all my instincts and follow my curiosity......which is bad.

Lex starts talking about how much time she needs to train everyone for ice-time. Mr.Weyland says something about not having enough time. Then Lex says something along the lines of; "Then find yourself someone else."

~time jump~

Lex ended up staying and everyone was getting ready to walk around an abandoned whaling town that was deserted 100 years ago, I should know, I was one of the people who checked the town out after no one radioed in.

We walk in groups of two. I am with one of those drillers. We turn a corner and, with my heightened sight, I see something carved into a whale bone (pic^). It looked like a rune with brown dried, dead, blood splashed the white bone. I don't know why but I wanted to take it. So I did and I placed it in my zipper pocket so it wouldn't fall out.

Everyone ended up at the drill point but it had already been drilled.....I think. The residue.....the scent wasn't from any machines or manual labor I have ever smelt and it was too wide and tall to be human what was it that made this?

We had lines attached to us and we made it down easily with only one mishap.

There was no equipment which confused all the humans but it just confirmed my earlier thought. The one scientist who had the scottish accent, I don't remember his name, got a sample of the temple. He ran it through a couple tests and determined, from carbon dating it, that the temple was over a couple millennia.

Mr.Weyland had us go into the temple. Yay, stairs! (A/N: So much sarcasm Serina. XD) I hate stairs, mostly because it feels repetitive and I hate repetitive things like: lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala......

See its annoying.

We walk through a hall and Lex, the scottish accented scientist, and two archeologists are looking at the wall reading a language that is a mix of three languages one including ancient Egyptian.

"Those who choose may enter." A geeky archaeologist says.

"Who taught you how to read Egyptian?" Italian guy asks.

"Funny, he kinda looked like you." geeky guy says.

"Well, your wrong." I comment.

"It says only the chosen may enter." The Italian archaeologist translates.

We continued on. Someone stepped on a tile that moved a boobytrap. Shit!

Nothing happened....but I kept my eyes peeled for anything.

We enter a room that has bodies that look a couple centuries, or maybe millennia, old and they are laying on a couple tables that are placed in a circle their heads towards the center of the room. Their chests are broken outward...that's not the normal, sacrifice-the-heart, sacrifice that I'm used to.....the hole is lower and it looks like something broke out of their chests.....usually the ribs are cut and then the hearts are ripped out the whole time the person is awake, high, but awake.

I follow Lex, the Italian guy, the scottish scientist, Mr.Weyland, a couple of drillers, and a bunch of guys that follow Mr.Weyland around like guard dogs. I don't like the 'guard dogs', their scent is ignorant and cocky.

Eventually we get to a room with a sarcophagus. There are time dials.....last date this was open was 100 years ago during the whaling town mishap. The Italian archaeologist turned the dials and when the last one was turned the sarcophagus opened and three gun looking things lay inside.

They were debating on what to do with the 'relics'. And the 'guard dogs' stupidly go to take them out.

"STOP!"I yelled and continued calmly, "You don't know what types of booby-traps you may inflict if you take those out."

There was only one left and the guy who recruited Lex, and consequently me, looked at me defiantly and pulled the relic out. Which caused these spikes to move up and keep us from putting them back.

Then after a couple minutes we hear screaming from the 'sacrificial chamber' room above.

We go to go back the way we came but it gets closed off and Lex being the always prepared one leads us in the direction of the entrance.

I hope we get out off here. Dread is creeping up.

What do you think?

Next chapter Scar shows up and kills some of the 'guard dogs' and drillers in that hall of Yautja statues.

Edited: August 20, 2016

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