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Scar p.o.v.

Three times the Ooman had saved my life. But not only did I feel grateful but something else I couldn't make out.

The elder that had came with to watch the hunt was impressed with the ooman. Although I noticed she wasn't a normal ooman....soon the others would realize this.

She was quiet. Not out of fear but for observational purposes. She wanted to watch, observe and learn from us and what we did without us noticing as much.....It almost worked on me. She was so quiet I almost forgot she was there.

I had told the elder what I saw her do while inside the pyramid. How she scaled the statue and jumped down then walked away easily as if she hadn't jumped from twenty or fourty foot statue. How she slew several Kainde amedha on her own. And how she protected the other female.....Lex, as she called her.

He became even more interested in her. We turned our language filters on, We would speak our language but she would hear whatever language she understood, and walked over to her to speak. Her head instantly moved to us as soon as we started walking towards her, even though our steps were light, her reaction reminded me of a startled Carracka (A/N: My own made up animal that resembles a very skittish version of a buffalo.) loud noises make them look quickly to see what caused the noise, they then tense, ready to move or run at a seconds notice.

The Elder spoke first, "Hello."

She bowed low, respectively. "Hello."

"Do you know what happened back there?" He asked.

"Yes and no." Was her reply.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I understand that it was a hunt of some sort. But what I don't know is what were those things and what or who you are." She answered. Gesturing to both of us at the last part of her last sentence.

"We are Yautja or Hunters/Predators." He said.

"I am Scar. He is Elder Bkt'de." I said.

"I am Serina. I have enjoyed today." This shocked me, "I haven't been through something this thrilling in a century."

She must have sensed my confusion. "Oh, you think I'm human?"

Both the Elder and I nodded.

She laughed, which made everyone stop and listened to the melodic sound until she stopped then everyone continued what it was they were doing. "Oh no. I'm no human. But I did start out as one."

This confused me even more.

"I'll make you a deal. You let me get some things from Earth that I might need and tell me some things about your people and I'll tell you things about me and the very few of my people." She suggested.

I looked to the Elder. He thought a moment then nodded in agreement, "Agreed. Scar, you will watch her while she is down there and then give her information."

I nodded. He walked away.

"Lets go." She said.

I nodded again and we left.

This is looooooooong overdue.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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Edited: August 20, 2016

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