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Serina p.o.v

We were walking down this large hallway with statues. Lex couldn't see very far ahead so, being me, I climbed up a statue with grace and ease. I looked ahead, pretending to use the binoculars, and then called down to Lex. "It's not that far!"

She yelled back, "Get back down here."

I complied, I jumped from the fourty foot tall statue's shoulders and landed kneeling then I quickly stood up and continued walking as if nothing happened. I could practically feel everyone's shock and one person's awe.

The feeling of dread grew. I heard a very silent, to humans, noise and I turned around only to see three of our drilling team was missing.

Next thing I know a being, and bless my fangs he was hot, threw a spear at one of the guard dogs then he jumped across the hallway from statue to statue, and another person was dead, as the 'guard dogs' shot at him.....I felt......protected and protective.

"Stop shooting!" I yelled.

"She's right. We're wasting ammo." One 'guard dog' says.

I shake my head at his misinterpretation on what I said, and I walked ahead of everyone.

I growled slightly under my breath when I remembered I had to stay by Lex so I stopped walking and let her catch up.

A louder growl escaped me when I looked at the 'guard dogs'. Lex looked at me funny. "I don't like them." Was all I said.

Then the temple started to change. I ended up with Lex, Max the lead 'guard dog', Mr. Wayland, and the Italian scientist....Sebastian....I think. I'm not 100% sure of his name.

The scientist had a theory that the temple reconfigured every ten minutes.....he wasn't wrong. A door opened and we walked though.....I was on edge. Something wasn't right.

We ended up in a room with more statues. Wayland dropped the weapon-thing that started this whole mess. Lex tried to get him to leave it and I offered to carry it in his place.

Max was shot with a really sharp net. And everything that happened was too much for my brain to handle. Over stimulation.......I half-passed out. I felt two pairs of hands carry me.

*time skip*

I woke up to find Lex and Sebastian looking in a hole.....and no Wayland.

I looked with them and what I saw made my heart rate increase and my breathing slightly labored. He was tall and sexy looking.....of course Lex would think otherwise. I wasn't very judgmental.....when I let my animalistic side take over, and I wasn't the most beautiful female on the planet.

"He's marking himself." Sebastian said.

"What?" Lex asked

"Ancient warriors would mark themselves with the blood of their kill. It's a rite of passage." Sebastian said.

I was half paying attention to Sebastian as he read the history from the walls.

I grabbed the throwing disc from the wall....I had a bad feeling.

I saw a hand-like thingy go to jump at the alien-hunter-guy. I threw the disc and it cut the stupid thing clean in half. The hunter grabbed it as it was coming back to me. He looked in my direction. And he saw my face.....he nodded and I nodded back.

I understood where Lex was coming from and I agreed fully. But how Sebastian worded it....ugh.

*Time skip*

Lex and I were hanging from a cliff and Sebastian just got pulled away. I pulled myself up and then I helped Lex up.

We walked a bit and we ran into a hunter.....he was staring at us. Lex was scared shitless but I was calm and unafraid. She took my backpack and pushed it toward the hunter saying, 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend.'

I saw three serpents behind the hunter. One attacked him, another attacked Lex but she grabbed the hunters' spear, and the third attacked me. I wrestled with it and I kept its spear-like tail clamped between my calves and I kept its face away from my head, it's talons couldn't do shit to me.

I broke its neck, and twisted its head off. I looked up to see the hunter pointing a gun towards Lex but before I could intervene more serpents showed up. The hunter expertly shot them until they left. He then grabbed his spear and went to leave.

"Hey. I'm coming with you, you hear me you ugly creature." He turned around with a growl-like roar.

I unconsciously purred. "He's not ugly." I whispered.....I think he heard.

He looked to the two serpents we killed. He made the serpent heads into shields and the tails into spears...... He showed us that the acid blood doesn't corrode the serpent armor.

We then took off.

I stayed by the hunter, watching his back. He was tracking.

We walked up behind Lex.....she, stupidly, had put down the spear in place of a gun. Lex tried to stop the hunter. He let her kill Sebastian..... I then watched him grab the newborn serpent and break its neck with his thumb. He then growled......

*Time skip*

He made some hand movements indicating the thing on his wrist was a bomb. He armed it and threw it, we ran.

*bigger time skip*

We had defeated the queen and all of her children were dead. The abandoned whaling town was destroyed. Scar, as I found his name was, was alive. I had earned a mark. And I was joining the Predators, as I learned they were called, to their homeworld. Lex went home, telling me that she didn't want to see me because I reminded her of what happened here..

Ok, the long awaited chapter.

Edited: August 20, 2016

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