Chapter Two: What Is He Hiding

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"We need evac as soon as possible ,we got a soldier down", Reaper spoke through his comm.

Arora was losing a lot of blood, she choked on her blood spitting it out. She was holding on as long as she could.

Reaper was shot in his right shoulder but looked as it didn't phase him an focused on keeping Arora awake, who was in an out of conscious.
"Goddamn it Ro stay awake, don't you dare leave like this ,you hear me, you hold on damn it" Reaper yelled at her.

She coughed up blood ,but still managed to lift her hand an place it against Reapers face,"You've been hit John, stop... worrying about me.... get yourself ... help". She spit out blood an held her wound as tight as she could..

"Damn it I don't care about my life, you come first you hear me, you come first for me!" Reapers voice cracked.

Aroras eyes rolled in the back of her head as darkness took over her whole body.

I woke up gasping for air like my life was floating away. I noticed Sarge observing me.
"I'm fine" I looked at him as he gave my shoulder a pat an left. Destroyer, Goat and Duke stood by an gave me worked looks but I waved them off as if it was nothing.

I felt like holes were being burned through my head so I turned to see Reaper giving me a worried gaze. I glared an looked away, going to my locker an pulling out my dog tags. No one bothered to ask me what happened until one ignorant fuck out of everyone had to open his fucken mouth.

"So Arora did you dream of my hammer slamming that ass of yours" Portman says walking towards her.

Arora stood in front of him cracking her knuckles an giving her death glare which Portman kept taunting her an the guys knew it would end up bad.

Portman threw kisses at her, which caused her to crack her neck.
"Enough Portman, I won't hesitate to put you in place" a voice Arora knew an looked in his direction an gave him a cold stare.

Arora looked back at Portman"You want a hammer I'll give you one" she said clenching her fists together and grinding her teeth.

Portman laughed," really baby girl ,turn around I'll give you a god show!" Arora grabbed Portman by the neck an slammed him into the kids locker. She began punching him in the face which he reacted to kneeing her rib which didn't phase her. She choked him harder which caused him to lose feeling in that case choking him till he was unconscious or maybe even dead. Destroyer and Reaper tied to get her o release him but none of what they said was working.

Reaper knew what he was about to do would start a bad rival between them but he had to otherwise she would not hesitate to kill Portman. He touched her shoulder at which she tensed at," Let him be Ro". He said touching her next to the scar on her lower neck where a bullet wound was, he knew it was the one she took for him.

She dropped Portman an turned her head eyeing Reaper," let him be huh, just like you couldn't leave me be!" She snapped at him. He sighed with his head down. She walked past him but turned back around an sucker punched Reaper in the face.

He grunted an held his jaw," what the fuck Arora, I all but did nothing to you but give you space and I get shit with you just because we stopped you from making a mistake, what the fuck do want from me?"
She looked him in the eyes," You should of let me die." She said in a whisper only he could hear.

He tried to touch her ,"Ro..." But he couldn't say more as she left and went yo the training room!

Sarge was told of the outbreak between Arora, Portman and Reaper. He gave Portman a whole day of field training as I jogged around the field doing 50 laps.
Sarge told me that Arora was suffering from the past memories which her old unit called "HellBringers Guilt"!

Reaper saw her running on the field and couldn't help but feel guilty to what she had to go through an what she blamed him for. She hated that I put my life on the line to save her just as her whole unit did. She didn't like it one bit.

"Are you just gonna stand their and look like a dumbass or do you have something you want to tell me?" A voice interrupted my deep thoughts.

Arora stood face to face with him, her eyes piercing right into his.
"Sarge wants to see you" he said turning around to walk back into the barracks.

"And is that all you came to tell me John?" Her voice rose a bit. Reaper turned around looked her in the eyes an could see her anger.
" What do you want me to say Arora? Sorry I fucking pushed my life to the side and cared about yours. I'm sorry I wanted to save you more than I wanted to for myself. We don't leave a member of the team behind. We stick together so I'm so fucking sorry. I'm sorry Ro". He said snapping at her.

"An apology isn't what I want John. I want to know why, cause we both know that answer was horse shit". She said walking away. Reaper stood dumbfounded. He knew he couldn't tell her. He could never tell her that he cared about her more than a teammate or a friend. He loved her an he just didn't know if she'd feel the same!

But she was one tough girl. And could give one hell of a show!!

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