Chapter Eleven: Didn't Deserve This

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Arora and the rest of the team were listening to Samantha explain how she thinks the people who has bad behavior or have done something bad will turn Into one of those monsters but the others can turn superhuman. So basically they'll be stronger!

A cold shiver ran down her spine as she had a feeling in her gut that she was infected. Leaving the group to talk out, she stationed herself beside the computer desk and removed her vest to see her wounds have healed. She gasped 'no, this can't be happening to me'!
She knew someone was behind her, so she turned and saw Reaper, a tear escaped her eye.

"Ro.....what is it?" He asked softly, piercing his brown eyes into my red ones.
I showed him the wound that use to be there and he was shocked to see that it wasn't there.
"I've been infected John!" She says to him softly.
He shakes his head," no..your not...your fine...damn it your fine Ro". He says but it was more of him saying it to himself.
I grabbed hold of his hand," can't do anything about it".
His face showed rage," the fuck I can do something about it, your Not leaving me". He says quietly but full with determination!
I smiled softly and kissed him passionately on the lips.

We broke apart as Duke found Pinky," look who I found, hiding like a fool?" Samantha walked up to him to check his neck and had told our Sarge that he had no open wounds on his neck!
Arora walked away with Reaper to stand next to Sarge who was listening to Pinky make up such an excuse as to why he left the Ark for the monster to get through. She couldn't seem to think straight as she felt her ribs break and set back into place.. 'Oh no,not now'! She held back a wince so that no one noticed but Reaper had and stood close by in case anything.

The Kid ran up to us," Sarge they got 20 people hold up inside a storage room safe an unharmed.
Arora couldn't understand why Sarge would tell The Kid to clear the sector as in kill them.

My blood boiled within me hearing the way Sarge talked.
"that's an order soldier" Sarge barked at The Kid wich caused me to wake from my trance.

The Kid looked at me and I could see through his body language that he made his decision, and to know I won't like it, I will stick by his side.
"Go to hell", the kid muttered but before he could fire his weapon, Sarge had put a bullet through his throat.
It all happened to fast, one minute the kid is choking to death the next I have Sarge by his throat in the air.
"You just made a big mistake Sarge", she spat with venom.
Reaper moved from the Kid,"Arora.....don't do it....calm down...come back to me...please!" He said so soft that I could only hear. I dropped Sarge who collapsed and tried to get his breathing in check.
She went to John who held her behind him and readied his weapon. Protecting her at all costs.. Reaper knew he wasn't himself anymore !!

"You've been infected Arora, such a shame, you were the best out if your whole team. Even though you weren't suppose to have lived". Sarge smirked.

Reaper put his finger on the trigger at the ready until Pinky yelled," drop your weapons, I mean it, drop'em". Arora looked back at Pinky,"I have no intention on being killed by a madman"! He stated cocking his pistol Mac had given him.

Arora saw the creature come up behind him and inhuman growl made its way to her throat.
"Something's behind me isn't there?" With him saying that the creature grabbed his face and slammed him everywhere.
Arora readied her rifle as Reaper
knelt behind her taking aim but before either of the could pop off any shots the creature slammed the wheel chair in their faces causing them to slam into the wall.

Reaper took the brunt of the blow. He grunted in pain. Arora ran to his face,"John, you okay". He grunted which caused me to grab hold of his face gently and turn it to see how bad it was and he had a deep gash on his face.
"I'm fine Ro, im fine" he grunted in pain.
I shook my head not believing him.
"Your not fine baby, keep your eyes on me" she said gently
He smiled and chuckled in pain ," you called me baby!" I smiled and kissed him.
"Your the only one that can keep me from being the person I was before John, you was always the one! You are the one.. " she sighed.
He smiled and stood up with her help,"I know baby!"

We ran after Sarge them and Reaper yelled to Duke to get Sam.
Reaper along with Sarge ran through the nano wall of the med lab. She checked her ammo and realized she was out and she felt like they were close.

"Guys, I can feel them, they're coming, RUN!" She yelled as the infected ones ran at them.

She ran out of her ammo," Reaper, I'm out" she whispered to him.
He got to her side and looked at it," go back now, Ro" he said quickly. I kissed his lips and ran through the nano wall.

Samantha was in the corner hiding as Duke shot at the infected.
The shooting caught Aroras attention and saw Reaper and Sarge were trying to gt back through. She reloaded and grabbed Reaper puling him inside and fired at them. But they kept coming.
"Its the people that haven't changed yet" Arors nodded at Reapers words.

Reaper and Sarge ran through," shut it, NOW" Reaper yelled. As they kept firing I heard Samantha scream which caused me to turn around fast only to find Duke up to his waist in the ground from the drain.

She didn't know she was screaming till she ran forward and held on to him,"let go baby girl, its okay", Duke spat out blood. She was ripped from Duke by Samantha an fired at the creature.

She looked to Reaper and noticed he had his eyes on Sarge who was being dragged out by a bigger creature,"I'm not suppose to die". He grunted out. Reaper just let it happen as did I. The walls bagan to close but Reaper kept firing, and he grunted once it finally sealed shut, but knew it wouldn't hold forever.

"Come on, let's go, come on, run!" Reaper yelled which Arora know something was wrong but what. She needed to find out and fast because if they want to survive they better come up with some kind of plan to get out of there alive!!

What will happen if Arora is indeed infected? What next now if Sarge is really dead?
Why couldn't they just stay dead?
So many questions with just so little answers!!!

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