Chapter 1: A new Beginning

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Frisk's P.O.V.

     I wake up to see all my friends around me. "oh thank goodness your ok" said Toriel with a sigh of relief. "Ya, you made Papyrus cry" Sans exclaimed. "NO I DID NOT! The great Papyrus  never cries! I just......caught something in my eye" said Papyrus worriedly. "oh ya, what did ya catch?" said Sans jokingly. "TEARS!" said Papyrus starting to cry again.
     I was worried though.....not about my friends because I knew now that all of us together could handle just about any monster that threatens us. I was worried about Asriel. He fought me but in the end I got him to go back to good but even though he said not to worry about him and not to look for him I was still worried about him and how he was feeling. I wanted to help him and maybe he can leave with us. That's when I realized he can't stay in his real form forever. Eventually he will turn back into a flower. I had to find him as quick as possible so I might still have some time before he turns back. I got up and started to run all the way back through the underground, where this whole adventure took place.

Toriel's P.O.V.

     After talking to Frisk's friends for a while about the plans we had for when we leave I see that Frisk is gone! "Hey has anyone seen Frisk!?" I said starting to panic. "No, haven't seen him since before we had that talk about making pie and other things that we were gonna do when we leave this place." Sans said still calm. "SO NO ONE KNOWS WHERE FRISK IS?" I said freaking out. "guess not, I think you should sit back and relax. I'm sure well find him. Maybe he left without us." Sans said trying to calm me down. "He wouldn't do something like that without telling us!........would he?" I said starting to calm down a little at the thought. "Maybe he did you never know." said Sans trying to get me to relax. "It just......doesn't seem like he would do something like that......" I said confused. "Well I'm not sure where else he would go. It wouldn't make sense without a reason to go back the way he came and a good reason at that since all of us are here." said Alphys a little nervously. I sigh and hope that Frisk comes back and he is ok since I'm not sure where he is anymore. I just wish I knew where he was.....

Frisk's P.O.V.

    I was breathing so much from running all through the underground. I couldn't find him anywhere. I had checked almost everywhere. I was currently running through the Ruins and that's when it came to me. I ran towards that room. I remember when I fell down here. I went to explore and went into the next room....that's when I met him for the first time. Well sort of....he was a flower at the time. A flower that couldn't feel love anymore. I wanted to help as much as I could now that I know what happened to him. I remember that it wasn't going to be long before he changed back.....saying all this to myself filled me up with DETERMINATION!

     I ended up running even faster then before and went strait to that room. I got there, in that room once again......there he was....on the pile of flowers expecting to turn back but still hadn't. Before I even took 1 step towards him he herd me panting and turned around. "F-Frisk....why are you here I told you not to come looking for me didn't I?" he said trying to stay firm but about to cry. "Ya, you did....but...I couldn't let you leave...I actually wanted you to come with the surface..." I said about to cry myself. "F-Frisk...I-I want to but...I don't want to make you guys sad.........and let my f-family see who I a-actually turned into......w-when I turn back." he said on his edge about to burst into tears it seamed like. "H-Hey who said you couldn't come up to the surface with us even when you do turn back!" I said trying to convince him.

   "I-I-I just...." He said starting to cry. I felt so bad for him. he then burst into tears and ran towards me in a hug sort of grip. "I-I just wana make everyone stay happy and not be sad w-when I go so unexpectedly on them." He said crying on me. I didn't care though I wanted to help him in anyway I could. "Don't worry Asriel, in fact I think instead of everyone being sad they will actually more than happy to at least get to see you again." I said trying to get him to come with us and make him lighten up a bit. "..........I-I guess so.....o-ok I-I'll go." he said with his tears going away. "Thank you Asriel, this is gonna be so much fun." I said trying to cheer him up. That's when it hit me. I didn't say what I was doing to anyone.... "H-Hey Asriel can we get going because we have a long walk and I didn't mention what I was doing...They might be a little worried..." I said trying to hurry him up even though he was just in tears. "O-Oh ok then we better get going then hehe hope they didn't get too worried..." He said getting ready to go. "Hehe y-ya." I said a little scared that they might of taken me missing a little too far.

     (Hey guys Amarion727 here thank you guys so much for reading this and I will be working on this story every now and then so I wouldn't expect me to update frequently [by the way this is my very first story] but I hope you all enjoyed and ill try to make the next 1 soon) ([Later update] So sorry made Asriel a girl. Didn't mean to. I just see Asriel in his kid form and think he is cute and well ya. So again sorry about that and ill see you guys later :P)

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