Chapter 4: Asriel and Frisk

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Frisk's P.O.V.

     So its been a few months since we all left the underground.  We all had are new houses and we tried to fit in the human world as best as we could. Of course I was already a human so it made things a little easier on us all. I moved in with Toriel and Asriel. Toriel eventually allowed Asgore to live with us too since he probably was going to end up by himself. By that I mean she allowed him to stay a night at our place as soon as it was finished and then throughout the next day she let him live with us. Although it seemed like she was avoiding it as much as she could. We have three bedrooms. 1 for Asgore, 1 for Toriel (guessing that's because Toriel still hasn't forgiven him for what he did.), and 1 for me and Asriel. Me and Asriel shared a bunk bed. I got the top of course but Asriel didn't seem to care for some reason.

     As for the others,  Undyne and Alphys shared a house (of course)as well as Sans and Papyrus sharing a house. We all had our houses in a nice little wooded area away from the other humans and maybe we could get closer to them over time. We even had a village of sorts eventually. We had Grillby's, MTT resort, and a few other houses and buildings too. We also started this little village not that far from the mountain where all the monsters lived. So we could always go back if we ever wanted to (I don't know why we would want to though...).

     So I had just woken up to Asriel shaking me. "Hey get up hurry! I something fun planed today and I don't want to waste anytime." Asriel said with enthusiasm. So i got up did the usual and we both ran outside. I was wondering what Asriel wanted to do. Toriel wasn't even up yet! So Asriel just left a note. I looked at it a little to see if it said what we were doing but it didn't say a thing. Well it kind of did. It said we were going to be playing outside but I had a feeling that's not what we would be doing. Asriel took me into the forest heading towards where the humans were.

     I was getting a nervous. More than I realized apparently because Asriel stopped. "Frisk don't worry im not taking us to the humans." He said reassuringly with both of his hands holding mine. "Oh sorry, I guess I must of ran too fast for you or something..." Asriel said a tad bit worried. "what do you mean? I feel fine." I said confused. "Oh I thought you were tired or something because your face is all red." Asriel said feeling fine again. I on the other hand wasn't. I knew why my face was red now. I was blushing and just thinking about it made me blush more. "Uh Frisk are you okay?" Asriel said confused. "Y-Yea im fine...." I said a little worried. "Its okay if your not feeling well or something we were supposed to stop here anyway." He said trying to get me to calm down.

     We sat down behind this rock and we just waited. By this time I calmed down plenty. "So Asriel what are we waiting for?" I said confused. "Just wait for it. You will know what it is when you see it." He said while we were both looking at the sky. Then we heard a noise from the sky. "This is it!" Asriel said kind of quietly. I keep watching and a bunch of birds appear from behind the trees. Then we hear some of the bushes making noise. A bunch of bunnies come out. They all looked so cute but then a thought occurred to me. I look back up at the birds but they didn't seem like the kind of birds that eat bunnies. If there are any that do that.

      "Wow that's a skele-ton of animals." a familiar voice said. I turn around to see Sans. What is he doing up this early? "Hey Sans! what are you doing up so early?" I asked him wondering. "Well Paps managed to get me up so I had some Grillby's and walked around a bit. I noticed it was a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, Flowers are blooming. Perfect day for a picnic huh?" He said wondering. I had a feeling we might actually have a picnic today. "Yea! it is." I said hoping we would. "Well kid your in luck. Toriel said we could. In fact she recommended it and I said yes and then she told me to tell you we are." He said smiling.

     So we all started to head back to our village. When we got back Toriel was a little upset at me and Asriel for taking off without asking her like we did but she forgave us pretty quickly. We had some breakfast since we didn't have any earlier since we were in such a rush. So we started planning for the picnic like where we were going to have it, what we were going to bring, how much of what were bringing, who should bring what, and who was gonna be there. It took a lot longer than you would think to get all that done but it all worked out and and everyone got what they needed to.

     So during the picnic I sat next to Asriel how was on the left and then there was Toriel, Then Asgore, Then Undyne, Then Alphys, Then Sans, Then Papyrus, and then back to me. Sans made a bunch of jokes and Toriel laughed at them and made a few herself. Of course Papyrus didn't like any of them. Me and Asriel were laughing at them too. Undyne and Alphys were having their own conversation and Asgore just looked a little Annoyed. Anyway we all had a good time. I could tell Papyrus did even if he didn't like all the puns. After we all clean up me and Asriel were off playing again like we usually do until dinner.

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