Another Winchester?

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I slammed the lid of my computer down in frustration and groaned, leaning back in my chair. 'I'm so tired of Victor regulating where I can and can't go. every time I find a case that's worth looking into, I get moved to another town.'

I crawled out of the bed and grabbed my keys. Then I walked outside of my motel room, locking the door behind me. Then, I unlocked the drivers' side door to my Pontiac Tempest. As I slid into the seat and cranked the car, the soothing sound of REO Speedwagon came blasting through the speakers. There had been six deaths last month, and each body had been found without a heart. With werewolves on the loose, it really wasn't smart to leave town. Just as I pulled out of he motel parking lot, my phone rang.


"That you Sarah?"

"Yes, and who is this?"

"It's Amanda, smart one." she told me.

"Sorry, you know good and well that I'm not good at voice recognition."

"Yes, of course. anyway, I don't have a case right now, and I was wondering if you needed any help."

I snorted and started laughing. "That's funny."

"What is?"

"Victor just reassigned me, and there are werewolves on a rampage. I don't think it's wise to leave now, but I have to."

"I can pick up your slack if you want me to, but it's gonna cost ya." she said jokingly.

"Okay, what do you want this time?"

"You know that silver knife of yours?"

"I have quite a few silver knives. You're going to have to be a little bit more specific."

"The silver knife with the silver embellishments on the handle."

"Fine, when I see you next, I'll give it to you. Thank you so much. You're a life-saver."

*beep* I hung up the phone while breathing a sigh of relief. I drove son the road for about 50 miles, and saw the turnoff for Harvelle's Roadhouse and drove down it. I pulled into a parking spot around back and turned off my car. I walked in the door and sat at the bar.

Ellen walked up to me and said, "Hey Sarah. The usual I guess?"

"Yeah, Ellen. thanks." I said as she handed me my beer.

"No problem." She said. "So what's for you down this neck of the woods?"

"Well, I got reassigned, and I had to find someone to take the case I was working."

"Who'd you get to work it?" She asked me.

"Amanda. She was closer than anyone to Kansas City." *ring, ring, ring*

My phone rang again. This time, I looked at the caller I.D. and saw that it was Victor. "Speak of the devil..." I said to Ellen giving her a look.

"Hey Victor, what's up" I asked him.

"You know that case I assigned you?"

"Of course, and I'm on my way now."

"I was just told that the higher ups had assigned someone else to the case already. Sorry."

I pursed my lips in anger, but calmly said, "Its fine Victor. I'll just wait until the next one. I hung up the phone and groaned.

"Guess you're not working that case anymore?"

"No, the 'higher ups' already assigned someone to it."

"Well, if you want, I've got a couple of bunks in the back if you need a place to stay." she told me.

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