Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

"Ahhhh! I let out a bloodcurdling scream as I lurched out of sleep into a sitting position. I sat there panting until the effects of my nightmare wore off.

As I sat there, I heard quick and fast knocking on my door. "Sarah! Are you okay?" Dean yelled through the door.

I didn't answer, as I tried to calm my breathing. "Sarah? Are you in there?"

I let out a shaky breath as I stood up. I walked quietly to the door, and cracked the door open slightly. As the door opened, I saw Dean with his hand half raised to knock on the door again.

"What?" I asked him.

"Are you okay? We could hear you screaming from our room." He told me.

"I'm fine." I assured him.

"Okay, we're going to need to leave in about 20 minutes."

"Got it." I said, then closed the door behind me. I sighed and got into the shower. 15 minutes later, I was ready to leave. As a last second decision, I decided not to pin my badge on my belt, and instead put it in my pocket. I walked out the door and locked it behind me. Sam and Dean were already leaning on the hood of the minivan waiting for me.

"Sorry, guys. It took me longer in the shower than I thought it would." I told them.

"That's fine. We were prepared to wait." Sam replied.

"Okay then. Are you guys ready to go?" I asked them. They nodded to me and we climbed into the minivan. We rode in silence until Sam decided to try and shift through the now tangible tension between myself and Dean.

"So Sarah, how long have you been with the FBI?"

"For 12 years now." I informed them after a few seconds of thought.

"Wow. Have you been a hunter for that long too?" Sam asked in amazement.

"Yeah, but for 4 years before that, I was just a hunter. It definitely helps to be an actual FBI agent when you have to lie to citizens." I replied.

"Does anyone in the FBI know that you're a hunter also?" Dean asked.

"Of course not. They would lock me up in an insane asylum. The only people who know that I'm a hunter are hunters themselves."

They nodded and we rode in silence for the rest of the drive.

When we pulled up to the carnival, there were detectives talking to some of the carnival workers.

Dean quickly said, "Check it out. Five-oh."

Sam and I stood by the fence while Dean talked with the carnival workers that the detectives talked to. While we stood there, a maybe three-foot-tall woman in a clown outfit passed us. Sam stared at her, while she stared back. After she left, Dean came back.

"Did you get her number?" Dean asked Sam.

I smirked while Sam scowled.

"More murders?" He asked.

"Two more last night. Apparently they were ripped to shreds. And they had a little boy with them." Dean replied.

Dean paused, giving Sam a look.

"What?" He said.

"Yeah, a clown, who apparently vanished into thin air." Dean confirmed.

"Oh yay! Cursed object. Needle in a stack of needles." I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, it could be anything." Sam said.

"Well, it's bound to give off EMF, so we'll just have to scan everything." Dean said.

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