Chapter Four

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So, I found my work. Here is Chapter Four of Another Winchester?

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I reached my hand over to the nightstand where it was sitting and answered it. "Hello?"

"Sarah, it's Vincent."

"Hi, Vincent." I said uncertainly.

"Hi, I know it's early, but I need you to help me with something."

"And what's that?

"You know the case we've been working on?"

"Which one?"

"The Winchester case."

"Yeah." I said standing up.

"I need you to look into something for me."


"They seem to use several differentnames wherever they go."

"Yeah, that's one of the patterns we've been following."

"There's a trail of their known names through a couple of towns. The most recent one is in South Dakota. Are you anywhere close to Sioux Falls?"

'Shit.' Ithought, mentally scrambling. "Yeah, I'm a couple of towns over. What do you need?"

“I want you to go to Sioux Falls and see if they’re still there.”

“I’m on it.”

“Thanks Sarah.”

“Dammit.” I shouted punching the wall next to me. “This can’t be happening.”

I decided to quickly take a shower before Sam and Dean decided to leave.

After I was ready, I walked out to the van, and seeing that I was the first one ready, I leaned on the hood and tried to figure out how to cover up the trail Sam and Dean were leaving. 

Just then, Sam and Dean walked out of their room. Once they saw that I was ready, we all got into the van and started driving back to the circus. We had been driving for about five minutes when I decided to break the news to the boys. “My boss called me today.”

“Oh yeah?” Sam said.

“What did he want?” Dean asked.

“He wanted me to look into a trail of fake names. Left by you two.” I said casually.

Dean slammed the brakes and jerked the car to the side of the road. His head snapped back towards me and he said, “And what? It didn’t even cross your mind to tell us that the feds were after us?”

“They’ve been following you since St. Louis.” I deadpanned. 

“Why has this never come up?” Dean asked indignantly.

“Because, I didn’t meet you until we started working this job. Also, I assumed you already knew.”

“Son of a bitch.” Dean barked.

“Look, all I have to do is prove to him that the names he told me to follow aren’t actually names you’ve used.”

“How long will that take?” Sam asked.

“Maybe a day, but I also told him that I was a few towns over, so that buys us some time.”

“Okay, well lets just finish the job as quickly as we can and get out of here.” Sam said.

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