Chapter Five

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(Back at Cooper's Carnivals - Day)

I stood at the entrance of the Carnival, leaning on the fence, until Sam and Dean walking up.
"Hey Sarah." Sam said
"Hello, Agents Winchester and Winchester." I said with a smile.
They both stopped short with confused looks on their faces. "What?" Dean asked me.
"Well, to get us out of the mess back at that house, I told the family that all three of us were FBI agents and that you two had gone after a person in a clown suit." I told them.
"Good." Sam said. "We figured out what the creature is. Well, Ellen did anyway."
"Okay, what is it?"
"A Rakshasa. It's a race of ancient Hindu creatures. They appear in human form, they feed on human flesh, they can make themselves invisible, and they cannot enter a home without first being invided."
"Seems to fit. Have you figured out who it is yet?"
"We're thinking Mr. Cooper. The Rakshasa has to feed only a couple of times every 20 to 30 years. He worked both shows and it fits the time frame"
"Okay, but how do we kill him?"
"According to legend, a dagger made of pure brass."
"At least we have access to one of those." I said, referring to the blind man.
"I'm going to get the blade, and Sam's going to see if Cooper's got bedbugs." Dean told me.
"Okay, I'll go see if I can find Cooper."

I walk towards the Big Top, assuming that's where he would be.I watch as Sam goes into Cooper's trailer, and then walked into the Big Top. Just as I entered, I saw Mr. Cooper exit the tent from the other side. "Dammit." I whispered, running after him. As I ran out of the tent, I saw him striding towards his trailer. I sighed, knowing I wouldn't be able to stop him in time. I changed directions and walked towards the blind man's tent. I saw Dean bolt out and I ran towards him.

"What's wrong?"
"It's the blind guy." He said.
"Them Sam's going to have some explaining to do."
"What do you mean?"
"Mr. Cooper just went into his trailer. I couldn't stop him in time."
"Awesome." Dean said sarcastically.
Just then, Sam stumbled out of Mr. Cooper's trailer.
"Hey!" He said.
"Hey." Dean replied.
So, Cooper thinks I'm a Peeping Tom, but it's not him."
"Yeah, so I gathered. It's the blind guy. He's here somewhere." Dean replied.
"Well, did you get the--"
"The brass blades? no. No, it's just been one of those days."
"Great." I said.
"I got an idea. Come on." Sam said.

Sam led us to the funhouse and I groan under my breath. 'I really hate funhouses.' I thought to myself.

We open the door to the funhouse and Sam walks through the door. Just as Dean and I were beginning to walk through the door, it slammed between us and Sam.
"Sam!" Dean yelled through the door.
"Dean! Dean, find the maze, okay?"
Dean takes off running around the building and I follow him. When we get to the back door, it takes our combined strength to wrench the door open. We almost sprint through the maze trying to get to Sam. We finally round the corner and see him trying to pull a pipe off of an organ.
"Hey." Dean says in greeting.
"Hey! Where is it?" Sam asks.
"One would think we would see its clothes walking around." I said.
A knife suddenly flew past me and pinned my sleeve to the wall and then another pierced the skin on my shoulder and pinned it to the wall. I bit my lip and groaned in pain.
Soon enough, I wasn't the only one stuck like a fly on the wall. Two knives pinned Dean to the wall, leaving Sam to fight the Rakshasa alone.
"Dean, where is he?" Sam asks, panicking.
"I don't know!" Dean exclaims.
With his free arm, Dean reaches up and pulls a lever which causes steam to escape from the organ.
"Sam, behind you! Behind you!" Dean yells, seeing the Rakshasa in the steam.
Sam stabs behind him with the pipe without looking. He looks behind him and sees only empty clothes and a bloody pipe. Dean manages to free himself from the knives and they both rush over to me to help.
"Sarah. Sarah, are you okay?" Dean asks, concern coloring his words.
"Just dandy." I remark with a sarcastic smile. "Take the one out of my shoulder first and then the one out of my sleeve." I told them. Sam quickly pulled the knife out of my shoulder, and I almost collapsed. Without me even noticing, Dean pulls the knife out of my sleeve. Once I'm free, Dean picks me up and starts walking with Sam to the highway so they can find a ride back to the Roadhouse.
Just as they pass through the gate, Dean says, "I hate funhouses."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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