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The purpose tour has officially left the station!!

Bae has been posting little countdown days until the world tour commences, but can you blame him? My little cutie is excited🤗🤗 and I'm so happy for him. He deserves all the victories and celebrations he gets and more. I'm so proud of him.

That little Stratford Ontario boy who lived with his grandparents and  mother is all grown up. He's not sitting in front of the Avon theatre strumming his guitar and singing songs just to get noticed anymore. He doesn't have his signature shaggy brown hair. He doesn't go to food banks for food. He doesn't have to look in the lost in found for clothes anymore. But he'll still be my kidrauhl. He'll always be kidrauhl.
I'm so proud of him. If you are too, comment and vote. It makes me happy. (But not as happy as Justin makes me;))

Love and support always,

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