More to Come!

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I hope you are enjoying reading I will Love You Forever. I am very pleased to announce that this book was been selected as a finalist for the 2016 Compton Crook Award for Best First Novel of the Year. (Alas, it did not win, but congratulations to the winner, who has not yet been announced.

I plan to publish a chapter a week on Wattpad until the entire book has been posted. You can read the entire book for free that way, if you like. If you don't want to wait that long to find out what happens to Ken and Lu, you can purchase a copy in trade paperback or various electronic formats.

It is for sale on,, and other online retailers. The Amazon page, where you can buy versions for Kindle or in paper, is at The Smashwords page, where you can by all other electronic versions, is at

If you do read the rest of the book, I would love to hear what you think of it. Either leave me a message here on Wattpad, leave me a comment here, or leave me a review on Amazon or Goodreads. Even though the book is a finalist for a major award, it still has not received a lot of exposure, and every four or five star review makes a huge difference. The more good reviews I get, the sooner I get the next book in the series completed. By writing a good review, you really can make a difference in how soon you get to read more in the same series.

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