Chapter 4, part 3: Trust Me

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Rahvin

He finally got her to her feet, took her down the hall, and once again went through the whole routine of getting her cleaned up. Lu bounced back from her disconsolate state as quickly as she had fallen into it. She still wasn't her vibrant self, and she didn't have anything like the full range of emotive expressions she normally had, but she was making little sighing sounds of happiness, reaching out to touch Ken every half minute or so, as if to reassure herself that he was real. He wondered if she knew what she was doing when she tried to pull him to her in a more intimate embrace. He figured she did, somewhere in there, but probably not consciously, from the awkward way she was moving. He bit his lip and held her close, but ended the embrace as quickly as he could, telling her that they had to get the food into the fridge, or it would spoil.

It worked. Lu's eyes lit up at the mention of food. He managed to get her toweled off, and caught her as she started back down the hall. He gave her some clean pajamas. She looked at the pajamas and frowned at him.

"Trust me," he pleaded.

She sighed, but wandered naked into the kitchen, and put the pajamas down on the counter.

Ken sighed, too, got his own PJs on, and tried not to watch her walking. If he didn't get her covered and she kept acting like she was acting, they were going to find out the hard way what happened when a person with an open skull did something that shot her blood pressure way up. Lu was acting like her old, sexy self, and Ken almost couldn't bear it, he wanted her so badly. But he took one look at that wound and contained himself, as they put the rest of the food away.

Then he frowned and took another look at the injury. He got a flashlight and shone it down into the wound. Lu held still while he did.

This time, there was no mistaking it.

The wound was far smaller than it had been. He had been assuming that his nightmares of half her head blown away had been his delirium, but he had been fully in control of his faculties when he had noted that the missing area started just above her cheekbone. He had wondered then why it wasn't as large as he remembered it, but figured it was part of the delirium.

Now, it was less than half the size it had been, and didn't start until clear up at mid-temple. Not only that, but the area under it was starting to bulge out to the shape of her normal skull. His Lu was healing! He didn't know how or why, but she was getting better, and at a rate that his brain told him was impossible. She was getting her emotions back, too, and seemed more and more like herself. She still had a long way to go, but for the first time since the accident, Ken began to believe his wife would live. More than that, she might even recover to something like a normal life. Her left eyelid was still closed, so she was only using one eye, but that would be a minuscule problem, if she could be functional in other ways. She became very distressed as Ken broke down completely, despite himself. She didn't understand, when he said it was because she was getting better. Finally, she got it that he was happy, not sad, and she perked right up at that. Then she frowned. "I fix. Said I fix. No doctor." Then she looked down at Ken's leg. "Fix leg."

Damn. She did mean my leg. Ken looked down at his leg in wonder, and was trying to wrap his mind around what it might mean that she could do that, when a helicopter flew very low over their house.

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