Chapter 1, part 5: Consequences

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“Sir! Receiving echo telemetry from GR1!”

What? I thought that was impossible.” Major General Peters surged to his feet.

“Yes, sir, it should be,” said the sergeant at the console.

“What did it fire at?” Please, dear God, let it not be at China, he thought. “And who the hell fired it?”

“It looks like it was out into space, sir.” The general heaved a huge sigh of relief at that.

“Colonel Sing says they have some college students in the Ithaca watch center, sir.”

College students?”

“Yes, sir. It wasn’t supposed to be connected to anything, sir. They shouldn’t have been able to cause it to fire at all. They are there to watch over the background instruments while we finished getting everything hooked up. There was some glitch, something about the telemetry not recording properly. He says there is no way they would be able to fire the weapon.”

“Get hold of the security down there! I want those kids arrested, right now! And get Colonel Sing and Major Handy in here. Now!”

“Yes sir! Uh, sir?”

“Do you have a hearing problem, Sergeant?”

“No sir, but you’d better look at this.”

About to bite his head off, the general looked at the sergeant’s screen.

“What is that?”

 “That’s what the college students fired at, sir. It’s headed for Earth.”

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