Chapter 3, part 2: Language

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She wasn't nearly ready to walk yet. The rest of that day, Ken worked with her, and found himself teaching her English, as well as how to move her body. By late afternoon, he forgot about the lessons, as he discovered another worry, even more urgent.

His leg was swelling like crazy. He managed to get the seam of his right trouser leg to begin to rip. By ripping it up to the knee, he could keep his injured leg somewhat warm, without cutting off circulation as it continued to swell. It was throbbing constantly now, and he was in agony and his groan was loud. "Sorry, hon, but god, that hurts!"

When he pulled back the trouser leg, though, he forgot about the pain, bad as it was.

His lower right leg was twice the size of his other one, and the skin was an angry red. Little red streaks were running farther up his leg, all around the perimeter he could see. Infection. Blood poisoning. As the meaning of what he was seeing sunk in, Ken's stomach dropped. If he died out here, she would, too. He looked up at the setting sun. Can't chance it in the dark. Tomorrow is the day, though. If I don't get her to a hospital tomorrow, she won't make it. I'll die either way.

His aunt had gone that way, streaks of red running up her leg from an infected toe. She had been in the hospital, but once that happened, they couldn't stop the infection, and she was gone in two days. Out here, his chances were already almost nil—and Lu's chances without him would be just as bad.

"O God," he moaned, lying back, looking at the bright star that was appearing over the sunset. All their hopes and plans were gone, just like that. No children filling their lives with happy struggles, and carrying their dreams on to the next generation. No seeing Lu fulfilling her wish of becoming a writer, while he built beautiful sculptured tables. No building the dream house together they had planned, living off the grid. No more making love with Lu, sharing their plans and secrets together.

Even if she lived, she would need him more than he ever thought she would, but he wouldn't be there for her. It was her biggest fear, and he was leaving her to it. She might never even know why he had left her; only that he had.

The unwinking star above him glowed with steady promise, mocking the travesty his life had become.

 It was too much. He threw back his head and screamed at the star, a long, drawn-out howl of despair. Lu was watching, rolling over to lay her head on his chest.

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