I have a dream...

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I have a book,
one in which I mostly write
the dreams I wish to suceed.

I want to travel the world,
sky dive in Germany,
visit Transylvania.

I want to dream without being woken up,
star in a major film,
I want to swim with dolphins,
and feel like I belong.

I wish to fall in love,
but I want to protect my heart.
I want to have kids,
get married in a church.

I want to live forever,
but we all now that's merely a dream.

I want to create a scrapbook,
create memories of dear friends.
I want to finish,
each and everything here.

I have a dream,
one where I might suceed,
one where I might fail,
and one where I might just simply live.

Words From The Heart (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now