Affair of the heart...

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Her heart breaks when she spots them.
The two together like they once where.
He whisperes soft, caressing words into her ear.
Whispered words once said to her...

He puts his soft palm to her cheek,
softly rubbing it with love filled eyes.
His lips soon touch hers,
and the women watching, her breath catches in her throat.

Lips once only made for her,
now made for two.
Her heart has been betrayed,
and broken in two.

Unshed tears fill her eyes,
and she clenches her fist at her side.
She wonders where she went wrong,
what she didn't do right...

Her lover, her husband... her soul mate;
now a cold memory and nothing but a fake.
She let's out a strangled scream as she feels the pain of her broken heart.
She feels like dying.

Her heart to never be repaired,
broken by the man she once loved;
Broken by the Affair,
The affair of the heart.

Words From The Heart (Poetry)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz