Poised & Perfected...

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Poised and Perfected with sharp jagged edges.

I lay tucked in the the dark confines of her bathroom draw.

I've seen the outside world so many times,

but I only get placed onto the soft confines of her bleeding flesh.

It's been a while though,

and I wonder if she's alright.

I miss my friend...

My only friend.

The first time I met her,

tears were streaming down her face

and she said 'I'm worthless, so worthless."

I wanted to tell her she wasn't, so I did and got rid of her pain.

The next time she had her heart broken,

and then it was how she lost her best friend,

and then the rumors of her going around school.

I want to make her pain free again.

I heard the door creak open,

and her strangled sobs filling the silent air.

And then I saw light,

I was welcomed with the presence of the outside world.

'What's wrong?' I wanted so badly to ask her.

She answered for me,

She hated herself,

She wanted to die.

I do what I do,

her hand directed me to her scar covered wrist,

she lay me down on her waiting flesh,

she pressed down and I glided across.

The red substance poured out of her.

Her crying increased,

She sunk to the floor,

her wrist by her side.

Poised and perfected with sharp jagged edges,

I am her friend.

I take away her pain.

I am her razor blade.

Whoo... I finally got my mind back on poetry (:

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